Title: Sirius Black Is Confident of His Seduction Prowess
Author/Artist: Jack Ichijouji (
Rating/Warnings: PG-13
Characters: Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, James Potter, Lily Evans
Word length (if fic): 3000-ish
Disclaimer: The title of this disclaimer is “Wherein A Thing Is Disclaimed.” The plot: the author, one “Jack,” claims not to
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Comments 6
I adore it. Beyond adore. I worship at the altar of Jack. Phenomenal. I keep picturing Peter leaning over the table, so overcome with giddiness and laughter that he can't sit up straight. And the look on Remus' face as it finally sinks in that Sirius has hit on McGonagall.
Classic. Home run, Jackilicious. I'm awed and amazed at your innate talent and ability to turn a simple idea into a well written, fantastic story.
However, if the young witches and wizards that Sirius Black passed as he moved down the hall had been more familiar with the genre, they would have been able to tell by the way he used his walk that he, Sirius, was a woman's man, with no time to talk.
LOL - you had so many lines like that that just shone. =D
“We have just given a Sirius Black to the world who is more confident than Sirius Black.”
so great lines! Yay!
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