You're A Tragedy Starting To Happen

Jan 25, 2009 07:05

This is long overdue (over a month) feedback for obsessive24's vid "Red".... actually, it isn't so much feedback as commentary (I basically just talk about what I believe the vid to be doing) with a built in recommendation, but it is too long to leave as a comment in her journal and with the built in recommendation I felt it deserved a post of its own. Hopefully, she will enjoy it, and if I'm really lucky someone else will as well.

Title: Red
Fandom: Merlin
Download / Feedback Link:

It took me so long to figure out where to start in talking about this vid, and before I do I insist that you watch it. Yes, you! All of you! Whether you watch Merlin, know anything about Arthurian legend, or have no idea what in the world I am talking about -- In which case I have to say that the school system your parents picked out for you was CRAP! Don't read the notes, you don't need them, just watch it! I'll wait....

Okay, now that we have all seen the vid, let's take a moment to say "WOW!", this will be my five thousandth time saying it in relation to this vid, so I will walk you through it if you find that words are a little hard right now. Speechlessness is nothing to be ashamed of, we have all been there. I have been trying and failing to leave feedback on this vid since it came out, and even though I knew who all the major players were I went ahead and downloaded the first season just to see if more context would make the task any easier. Unfortunately, the answer to that question is "NO!", so I warn you all beforehand that this post may lose its way, and I repeat the words "destiny", "fate", "racing", "blood" and "death" more than is tolerable.

Disclaimer: I am not the vidder (Nicky/Obsessive24); therefore, I do not know her intentions for this vid, so I may read more into it, or I may read less, but take one thing as red (see what I did there?) I use too many commas in this sentence I love and adore every single half second of this vid. It is EPIC!

All screencaps taken from obsessive24's vid.

SONG CHOICE: Red by Elbow
There is a reason that so many vidders will tell you that the most important part of any vid is song choice; if you get the right one you can convince an audience of practically anything, not the least of which is that the song was written specifically for the source contained within the vid. This is one of those songs; starting with the title of the song "Red", since the show uses quite a bit of colour symbolism with Red and Blue standing for Camelot and Magic respectively. The lyric that stands out the most, and is so devastating if you know anything about the Arthurian legend is "You're a tragedy starting to happen"; the show is placed just before the old stories, Arthur is not yet king, Merlin's powers are not yet known to the world, and the vid uses this lyric to hint at all the tragic events yet to come. Though the nature of destiny means that it cannot be changed, the thought of the inevitable is a sad one, as is the fight to try to alter it.

The song is beautiful, somber, and understated; but it has an inertia that pulls the viewer through to the end, and it acts as Merlin's inner dialogue as he watches Arthur move ever closer to his destiny. A destiny that will ultimately end in bloodshed. In red.

Nicky did a wonderful thing here; she used the show to foreshadow the old Arthurian stories, not necessarily the one the series gives the audience (because they are taking liberties and carving out their own version). The vid tells the story through Merlin's eyes: it shows how Merlin is there to help Arthur achieve his destiny, as well as Merlin's need to protect Arthur from it. It really gives you the sense that Merlin is devoted to Arthur -- even before you see the series -- and that both change and danger are coming too fast.

The vid covers three sets of events: Arthur as a warrior knight and future king, the romantic later tradition of the relationship between Guinevere and Lancelot, and Arthur's death at the hands of Mordred and the watery grave where he rests as a result. Appropriately, they are all marked as the great tragedies of Arthur's life within the vid.

The intro Nicky set up does a lot of things at once: it book ends the vid with Arthur's descent into a watery grave, it sets up his destiny as king and warrior, that destiny's connection to Excalibur, the devotion that Merlin has towards Arthur, and Arthur's need to prove that he is a worthy future king.

0:01 The very first shot with the title card is Arthur marching into a tournament, and this is followed by shots of him floating under water; this life will lead him to his death. I adore this opening, and the slow-mo of Arthur walking is one of my favourite shots in the entire series.

0:09 Arthur throws down the gauntlet, he is ready for the challenge of becoming the king.

Come as you are sweetheart, come as you are
The set up of the relationship between Merlin and Arthur, with Merlin being right beside him, supporting him at every step. He knows that this is who Arthur is and who he will become.

You know you've got nothing to prove
There is a lot of red in Camelot, not just being it's official colour, it is essentially created from bloodshed and will fall by it as well. It is a society based around battle and death, with the current monarchy's power fortified around the slaughter of hundreds of magic folk. In contrast, the colour of magic in this verse is blue (which is often why you will see Merlin and Morgana wearing both colours), and is virtually devoid inside the walls of Camelot.

0:27 Uther pats Arthur on the back before the tournament and Arthur looks uneasy. Arthur does feel he has to prove to his father that he is worthy of taking the throne.

Put you to bed you can let it all go
Merlin is there for Arthur, but the burden of being the Prince is Arthur's alone and it weights heavily upon him.

You've been playing too rough lately
Uther sends his son into battle the same way he sends others to their death; Arthur could lose his life in any one of these tournaments. Arthur accepts this all as his duty and is shown bowing his head to put on his helmet after we see Uther raise his hand in anticipation of lowering it in a signal to the executioner.

You burn too bright, you live too fast
Clips of Arthur fighting both in tournaments and in outside battles -- showing his life to be a dangerous one -- are intercut with shots of Merlin racing to be at Arthur's side.

0:49 I adore the shot of the sword being driven into the ground narrowly missing Arthur. Survival at a tournament is a matter of inches and seconds.

This can't go on too long
The red of Camelot, Uther's rule and what he expects Arthur to be. A heavy burden for Arthur suggested by the clip at 1:04 of Arthur walking away from his father with his head hanging low. But Uther cannot rule forever, one day Arthur will be king, and Uther's legacy will haunt Arthur's life.

You're a tragedy starting to happen
Over the first time this lyric is spoken is an intercutting of Arthur receiving the crown to become the crown prince of Camelot (i.e. being named the official successor to the throne), and Arthur behind bars in the dungeon. Arthur cannot escape his destiny, he is imprisoned by it and all that it brings him.

A really nice consequence to these two clips being used together is that Arthur has his head bowed to receive the crown and raises it to look forward, and then in the shot of Arthur behind bars he raises his head further, defiantly.

Just as you are perfect, just as you are; Don't make those promises, don't tell me again;
That dust is gonna settle your nerves
This section is all about the devotion between Arthur and Merlin; Merlin will lay down his life for Arthur and Arthur will lay down his life for Merlin.

01:25 I'm very predictable in my preference for non-human shots, and this one of the chalice rolling out of Merlin's hand is no exception. with the clockwise motion continued with the following clip of Arthur at the mantle, followed by a right to left (of the screen) of Merlin doing his best Yellow Eyed Demon impersonation, and a sweeping camera shot over Arthur's shoulder.

1:39 Who doesn't love when Arthur (Bradley) does that with a sword? Seriously, there could just be an entire episode of him doing that and I would be thrilled! It also plays well against the lower note that comes in from the piano here.

1:42 I love the use of the griffin flying here to help with the somewhat awkward shift in lyrics, since it flows much more naturally than the song does on its own. Also, the sun flickering and matched to the drum is just perfect!

You burn too bright, you live too fast
Images of Arthur as a knight and riding off into battle; the hour glass being turned over as he challenges Lancelot to see if the latter is ready to become a knight. Arthur's life is extremely dangerous, and his time is running out as he speeds towards the inevitable.

This can't go on too long
Here Nicky sets up the distances between Arthur and Guinevere, and Arthur and Lancelot. We see Arthur fighting Lancelot and leading the guards as they carry off Guinevere. He defeats Lancelot and we see Guinevere in the dungeon, but then a shift occurs, and Lancelot takes the ground from beneath Arthur and wins the challenge, taking his place not only as the champion but with Guinevere also.

You're a tragedy starting to happen
The rest of the story in seven seconds: Lancelot becomes a knight, there is attraction between he and Guinevere, all the while Sir Lancelot and Arthur are thought to be friends and Lancelot a loyal servant to Arthur. We all know how this part of the story goes and that Lancelot and Guinevere both will betray Arthur (depending on the version of the myth you choose), and that knowledge breaks your heart a little. Everyone is loyal to Arthur except two of the people who swore to be.

The bridge is used to once again show the devotion between Merlin and Arthur, with Arthur risking his life to help a sick Merlin, and then Merlin riding off to find a cure for Arthur when he is injured. There is also some lovely blue here with Merlin's (Colin's) blue eyes, the blue ball of light he sends to guide Arthur.

You burn too bright
The dragon enchanting the sword and in effect creating Excalibur out of fire. Excalibur being part of Arthur's destiny also serves as a reminder that that destiny is largely about battles, living very dangerously by the sword and dying by it as well.

You live too fast
Though made in fire, the sword will hide in the water to be received by Arthur at a later time, and eventually cast back into the water to rest for eternity, like Arthur himself. Nicky layered the image of waves over the clip where we see Merlin (a person of magic which is often connected with water and earth in the show, whereas, Camelot is connected wind and fire) handling Excalibur, and thinking of Arthur's fate with the sword.

This can't go on too long
Merlin casts Excalibur into the water not to be found by mortal man in hopes of preventing a future that will take Arthur from him. This is shown through a parallel of a dagger being thrown at Arthur and Merlin saving his life by pulling him out of harms way.

You're a tragedy starting to happen
A series of images flash by when Excalibur hits the water: Excalibur at the bottom of the lake, the boy Mordred who will take Arthur's life, and Arthur himself watching the boy leave, all overlaid with a sweeping golden clip (from the opening credits) moving the eye upward and adding movement to match the change in speed of the music. Absolutely LOVELY! At the last second Merlin pulls Arthur out of the way of the dagger -- he wants to save Arthur from his future with Mordred the same way.

2:55 The dagger hits the chair so perfectly on the cymbal that the first time I watched the vid I actually gasped.

You burn too bright
The bucket of water falls to the floor and Arthur falls backward into the water, Merlin races towards him but Arthur keeps putting himself in harms way, and it is everything Merlin can do just to keep up. The fire falls and moves into darkness.

2:56 I love the shot of the water bucket hitting the floor, as I hinted above I am a huge fan of non-human shots in vids and the symbolism they hold. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the internal movement in this vid, I think it is OUTSTANDING, and from here until the clip of at 3:09 the music doesn't actually speed up beyond what it did earlier, but the vid feels so much faster, like Arthur is speeding towards death and Merlin is desperately trying to catch up to him.

3:00 More non-human shots that I love, the fire falling in the cavern is such a fantastic clip choice, carrying the movement and symbolizing the light of Camelot (Arthur) moving into darkness, possibly out of Merlin's reach.

3:05 Arthur racing on his horse out of the gates of Camelot, racing towards danger like a true idiot hero. :P

You live too fast
Images of Arthur once again fighting in tournaments, and risking his life. Nicky places an image of Arthur under water, drowning, over his shield being placed higher as he wins a tournament; with every triumph comes the possibility of death. Arthur will lead the knights, he will ride into battle, he will take the throne and become king, and it will all lead to his death. I shall apologize now for how often I have repeated myself throughout this commentary.

This can't go on too long
3:10 an image of Arthur trying to pull open the doors to his chambers and failing, followed by a shot of him upset and strained. He cannot escape his destiny; he is as before, imprisoned by it, and it is taking its toll on him.

You're a tragedy starting to happen
An overlay in yellow gradually turns red over the clips of Arthur underwater, drowning in his own destiny, all the battles to come, the injuries he will suffer, and the throne he must take.

3:21 Arthur looks to the throne, empty and waiting for him. Heavy is the head that wears the crown, and though taking the throne will bring prosperity to Camelot it will be a very difficult life for Arthur.

3:24 Here Nicky overlaid a shot of Arthur in the red from the water, as if in blood. Which is just brilliant!

But then Merlin pulls Arthur from the waters, out of the red, and saves his life. In the show Merlin is meant to protect Arthur so that he can fulfill his destiny, and here Merlin wants to save Arthur from that destiny, but as powerful as Merlin is, he may be powerless to stop Arthur's fate.

A truly lovely vid in every sense and I can't imagine anyone not appreciating it. There are vids that look like they were hard work no matter how good they are, and others, like this one, that look as though they came about organically -- fully formed from the start needing only a vector to get them to the audience. And the real tragedy here is that despite pieces like this, Nicky doesn't realize what a masterful storyteller and artist she really is. *shakes Nicky repeatedly*

If you loved the vid then don't forget to feed the vidder with feedback (not here, in her own journal please), it is one of the basic food groups along with chocolate, coffee, and ice cream. If you want to discuss this commentary, tell me to stop touching my comma button, or to thank me for pointing you towards this vid, then that you can do here. :D

There are quite a few good Merlin vids coming out all at once, so hopefully, I will find the time this week to put together a proper rec post.

vid commentary: merlin, tv: merlin, vid rec: merlin

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