A kiss with a fist

Dec 19, 2011 18:52

Title: A kiss with a fist
Rating: PG
Word count: 210 words
Characters/Pairings: Marian, mentioned Allan and Djaq
Prompt: Marian; a kiss with a fist
Summary: If only the guards were female, the Sheriff wouldn’t have half the problems with security as he does now...
Notes: Title (and prompt - yep, I'm writing for one of my own prompts again =P) from Florence + the Machine's Kiss With a Fist.

It amused her how many men would take leave of their senses the second a kiss was offered to them. Djaq had suggested this particular form of defence - and Allan had vouched for its success - but until Marian put it into practise for herself, she hadn’t believed anyone could be duped quite so effortlessly.

Fist still clenched, she rolled her weight on the balls of her feet and looked down at the inert figure before her. It had been ridiculously simple, really. Too simple, she might have thought, except she doesn’t flatter the Sheriff’s guards that they possess even the slightest bit of common sense. The useless lump stirs a little, but she’s not alarmed, just side-steps around him and continues on her way. If Allan is correct about that particular punch - which he probably is - and if she’s executed the manoeuvre correctly - she definitely did - the guard will be out cold for a good while yet, and when he finally wakes he won’t remember the enticing glimpse of leg she flashed him, or the ‘come hither’ expression she beckoned him with.

She stifles a laugh as she turns the corner. If only the guards were female, the Sheriff wouldn’t have half the problems with security as he does now...

char: marian, #rh_drabblefest 2011, char: allan, rating: pg, char: djaq

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