Title: A Cold Winter’s Night
Rating: G
Word count: 192 words
Characters/Pairings: Sir Edward, Marian
Prompt: Any; white Christmas
Summary: The fire roared fiercely in the hearth, warming the room and casting a comforting glow on the two faces before it.
Notes: Title from The First Noël.
The fire roared fiercely in the hearth, warming the room and casting a comforting glow on the two faces before it. The man brushed his greying hair off his face, dislodging the last flecks of snow that had lingered there. The little girl curled up at his side shifted in her sleep, and he gently tucked his arm back around her, careful not to wake her. Though she would never admit it, she was exhausted from earlier, the excitement that waking to a layer of white covering the world outside had brought, and all the related activities that came with the snowfall.
She shifted against her father again, and snuggled closer to his side. He reached for the cloak on the back of their seat and wrapped it around her. The wooden chair dug into his back and his other side and he knew he would be unable to sleep in this position. He didn’t care, nor did he try to move his daughter up to her room. He kissed the top of her head, untangled her damp hair, and settles down to watch the fire swirl and sink into glowing embers.