Title: Fated Encounter
Pairing: KaiXKai (Demon-KaiXVampire-Yutaka)
Chapters: 1/2
Rating: NC-17
Genre: AU-Supernatural, Smut
Length: 3270 words
Warnings: Reita-rape/abuse (this chap), kinky supernatural sex, mention of human slaughtering, blood drinking and a hell lot of my twisted imaginations. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Disclaimer: Hell yeah
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Comments 18
I LIE!!! THAT WAS HOT HOT HOT SMUT!!!! >//////< my dad thinks I'm crazy now, because I couldn't resist reading... Dear lord, don't let my father find out... (((;゚д゚;)))
BUT DAMN!!!!!!!! That was hot smut~ fufufu~
Part 2 please~
Lol. too bad that Kaita is not the main pairing here. It is KaiKai. Lalalalala....Kai fucking Kai. OMG I'm twisted. And so does my beta.
XD I see when I can put it up~~
I know, it's still HOT!!! <3
Thank you!
XD Expect an update around 24 hours from now.And i suggest just get prepared with a tissue, just in case nosebleeding happens.
Lol I read ur stuff in public all the time along with everyone else!
wait, what??? O.O" in public???
I just flip threw urs or anyone for that matter at work to relaxes I read the fic on my way home need already ran into a sign the other day lol oh wow that was funny! Lol
I do like it ^^ adorable job!!!!!
Thank u for sharing!!!!
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Though I admit, that has crossed my head a lot...
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