FAQ: -tarrot-

Sep 28, 2009 14:39

Will be updated when new things come about, of course
But for now...

[Last updated on 2009/11/08]

-tarrot- FAQ

1. 気愛 (ki-ai)
It's a play on 気合 (also ki-ai) which means "scream/yell/fighting spirit"
But for Saki it's "spiritual love". He'll say things like "I'll borrow your spiritual love" which would actually be "I'll borrow your fighting spirit" (or even "Give me your spiritual love") -- note that he is creative with his kanji usage, so things like these will be in his entries every now and then. He doesn't state why he uses it, though...

2. タロミー (Taromii)
-tarrot- meeting. It sounds ridiculous, but... whatever floats their boat I guess XD
However, they haven't been using it lately...

3. タロスタ (Tarosuta)
-tarrot- studio. Used for when it's rehearsal or when they're recording.
This too hasn't been said in awhile.

4. ロッター (Lotter)
The name of -tarrot- fans.

5. ぴよ (piyo)
It's one of the characters of Rilakkuma, lol, ahhhh... Saki uses it sometimes as his end-of-sentence things... quite annoying, really.

6. 4946 (yokushiro/shikuyoro)
...Saki often says things in numbers. Here, he actually means "yoroshiku" (4649) but when he first did it on his own blog, he got the numbers mixed up.
So now, he's been saying 4946 to cover up his misspelling XD

!faq: -tarrot-

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