Oh, your knee. It would be the best to go at the doctors, no? Would it make you feel better if I said I was all amused with your description of your pain? : / I also hope you watched Dirty Dancing. You should buy some Nutella stocks and crap load of Nutella. Aooooiiii~ *fangirls* Good luck with Jimin and your Math test! I hope your knee feels better soon.
Well my mom thinks it's because of the crap rain we've been having and apparently a few of my friends have been having the same thing, random joint pain because of the icky weather. It's a lot better now, I think the knee-parts had a good, raunchy quicky that ended all too soon for their liking and they're still passed out on the couch.
I tend to be funnier when I'm in a bad mood, I can't help it. And no, didn't watch Dirty Dancing, mom did though.
Math test went okay I think. I know I got some things wrong though. Oh well.
Bad weather! D: You have to watch Dirty Dancing! Math, well, the important thing is to hopefully have more right things than the wrong ones in your test in the end :)
xD You know if you started making youtube references or something I would totally get those. But movies, I don't think I can make myself watch movies. I just can't seem to get interested in them.
Did Reita snuggle with you because of your math test? Or did Reita just fall asleep on youlike the clod he is? :D Good luck with the test. Sorry for you knee. I hope dirty dancing doesn't turn into dirty sex and they won't have babies... :D
Oh it did. I tried to recreate the spooning effect but it just wasn't the same without your tattooed arms slung around me and casually groping me just as I drift off to sleep. ):
Comments 10
I tend to be funnier when I'm in a bad mood, I can't help it. And no, didn't watch Dirty Dancing, mom did though.
Math test went okay I think. I know I got some things wrong though. Oh well.
Sorry for you knee. I hope dirty dancing doesn't turn into dirty sex and they won't have babies... :D
Good luck on your math test!
Well, I don't think I failed! xD
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