I've re-directed my card post! Please click the button below to be moved to my new one.
Please continue to offer trades here though!
PLEASE READ [22/04/13]:
I am very very very slow on replying to trades as I rarely check my LJ account on a daily basis anymore. However, I will try to check it at least once a week if not once every two weeks so if you want to trade with me, and need your cards fast then it would probably be best to do it through the trade form on my site. That way it goes through eTCG which makes it easier for trades to be processed. But if you prefer trading through LJ only that's fine! It just may take longer to get back to you which I do apologize in advance for, but I'll try my super best to check back here frequently enough so I don't let trades go for too long.
Please also follow my Trading Terms below:
▶ Special Cards | will trade 1:1 (1 Normal for 1 Special or 1 Special for 1 Special)
▶ Signature Cards | only trading for other signature cards if copies are available
▶ Crayons | only trading for other crayons. will exchange crayons for cards after redeeming them at the Art Shop
▶ Holds & Offers | holds last 1 month unless you need more time; trades offered by me last 2 weeks; trades offered by you last 1 week
If you want to be a Trading Buddy:
▶ only ask to be one when we've traded at least once and we've talked a bit or something
Once you're a trading buddy:
▶ I try to offer first pick on cards (ie. if a non-trading buddy offers a trade for a card before I respond and a trading buddy asks for the same one, then they will most likely get the card)
▶ holds/offers last for an indefinite time unless you go on hiatus or in-active
▶ I will reserve slots for Trading Buddies IF THEY ASK FOR IT. if you don't, I won't
When offering me a trade (!!NEW):
▶ please try to write out the cards you want like this (deckname01, deckname02) without capitals or spaces between the deck name + card numbers or spaces between words in the deck name if a deck name is more than one word
▶ if asking for more than one card from a deck, then please write them all out fully like above instead of (deckname02/07/10)
▶ please link the card images in your trade as you offer so when I respond, the trade will be completed faster since the cards are all already there
Thank you!