narnia fic [rose-red + atomic] (peter/edmund, pg & nc-17)

Aug 05, 2008 21:00

GAH. Two Narnia fics, both Peter/Edmund. :D

Peter/Edmund - PG - Flangst? - 100 words
Prompt: roses (100foraslan)
Warning(s): Language
Disclaimer: The Chronicles of Narnia is property of C.S. Lewis, the events in this fic are based on the movie, property of Walden Media. OR SOMETHING.


The blood pools around the wound, stains bright roses on his skin. His face pales, eyes closing gently, body weakening.

When Lucy administers her cordial - blood-red - his body goes in reverse. The blood ceases staining his skin, leaving it pure and fair; his face draws more life, lips blossoming rose-red and eyes opening, sparking like wildfire.

Peter always loved roses, and he cannot help but kiss Edmund's rosy mouth when he is born again. "Fuck, Edmund, just do as you're told," he chokes out, kissing him again.

Edmund thinks that maybe he will, if this is the reward.

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Also, some Peter/Edmund bomb shelter!sex!fic for breathe_me27 at likecharity's Narnia kink meme ( read the request here). ;D

Peter/Edmund - NC-17 - PWP, fluff - 2345 words
Warning(s): Slash, incest, sex, language. Also, I may or may not have had a younger Edmund in mind for this piece than he appears in the LWW movie... *cough*
Disclaimer: *see above*

This shelter wasn't only made for bombs.

-100foraslan, pairing: peter/edmund, character: peter pevensie, character: edmund pevensie, fandom: chronicles of narnia

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