500+ highres screencaps from the 2007 movie Transformers. Take and enjoy and spread the robot love. There is a watermark from the trial jpg converter I used, but it only appears on the black widescrreen frame, so the caps are completely unaffected! :) The samples below have beens caled down, the actual caps are something like 900x.
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Comments 31
Out of curiosity, what do you use for your vids? Premiere?
leather journals like the ones ive offered here with upwards of 200 pages & with or without stained pages & handtorn edges run around 60-70, wood cover journals with images pasted and sealed over them like the geisha journal run around 40, and mixed media books with your choice of covers run around 40-50 :) you can email me with your ideas. If you have a band thing you want done, as in a logo burnt into leather or wood or some symbol or phrase burnt, I could do that, or something made out of clay and embedded into the cover?
And also, you are further proof that a vid made with WMM can be amazing. People never believe me. >.
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