Welcoming a former Sith Lord...

Jul 05, 2010 12:15

There's a Jedi sitting one on of the Convenient Nexus Couches.

Seriously! A Jedi! Which is obvious on first spying her, since she's wearing her double-bladed lightsaber quite openly, hooked on to her belt. She's a rather pretty young woman, with black hair that she's currently keeping about shoulder length and blue eyes. Her robes, however, are not those of a Jedi. They consist of a form-fitting cuirass and armbands made of some reddish metal with intricate designs on them, worn over dark grey or black robes. The robes consist of a slightly pleated, ankle-length skirt of black and a dark grey tunic. A dark grey sash-or rather, a pair of them-are slung around her hips, tied to a silver ring, and a length of reddish cloth hangs down over her skirt. Rounding off her clothes is a black cloak pinned to her shoulders.

Revan Onasi is silent with thought for a moment, staring steadily at the Sign. Finally, she asks, in a voice leaning towards the lower end of soprano:

"What is it that shapes one's personality? Do one's memories have any influence, or is it independent of them?"
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