(no subject)

Feb 02, 2010 01:45

Even after some intensive training, Lii still had the courtesy to pop in and check up on things once in a while. The brunette is currently sipping a steaming mug of tea on one of the armchairs, citrus-flavored tea, for those curious. George the space-penguin is standing guard, and he's grown since the last time he and his mistress were in the Nexus; by basic estimation, he now reaches to about her mid-thigh if she were standing. However, he seems to have retained his fuzziness from when he was a chick.

Anyone with a basic sense of aura detection can probably deduce that she is a lot more powerful than she looks, even moreso than when she was last here. Going into intensive training to gain a summoning contract can do that to a person.

She looks up, her expression somewhat blank, but she lets out a sigh nevertheless. "How the hell do you teach someone something that you just seem to be able to do naturally?" Siiip. "Like something you understand, but can't exactly explain how it works. Just outta curiosity."

(Tags will be answered in the morning, I just wanted to get this up. :>)
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