(no subject)

Aug 05, 2009 01:27

The wanderess flops into her beanbag chair, at one of the many safehouses she and her companion reside in from time to time, between adventures. This... is more difficult than she thought it'd be. Time to go prowling and find some fun - or make some. Idly her mind returns to the question that had recently been plaguing her conciousness. She's sure it held the key to her continued survival, the missing element that would let her live just a little bit longer... She needed to find some normal people to talk to, she supposes; they might have the answer. However, where could she find some? Maybe if she went home...

HA! That was a good one. The idea that there would be normal people in her homeland... sure, she COULD find some, if she looked hard enough. But the problem was, normal people... well, they were sort of bland, sort of fading into the background. She'd met any number of interesting characters in her day, but when forced to interact with average humans, it seemed almost like they were vague, ill-defined. Like those shows from the million worlds called Japan, where the audience would be drawn as one large clump of vaguely-drawn humanoids with characture smilie faces. See! Nobody ever accused Vi of not being genre savvy.

Well except that one time. But in her defence, it was the first time she'd been in a supernatural horror world, and he was REALLY hot. Anyone'd have tried to sleep with him, incubus/vampire or not.

Right. Fun. Morden was so pervasive he was working his way into her very thoughts, reproaching her mentally. She had to get out and live a little. Idly, her hand flips through one of his spellbooks - one about world travel. A particular universe caught her eye - one in which questions were often posed and more often answered. Questions - that'd be a good one. Opening a fast portal, she wanders through, taking in her surroundings before asking aloud:

"How do normal people STAND the monotony, the tedium, the utter lack of... of MAGIC in their lives?"
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