
May 25, 2008 15:58

Well. This is different ( Read more... )


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truebornbanacek May 25 2008, 23:27:03 UTC
"Hm. This one looks interesting." Caleb has, by sheer chance, taken out Faxanadu. Having grown up in the 3000s, he has no knowledge of things like "blowing into the cartridge", but it's easy enough to think of how to get it in.

And then he hits the power button. He's used game consoles before, he knows how this works.


truebornbanacek May 26 2008, 04:50:32 UTC
"...well, that answers that." Caleb is about to find out if they're stab-able. He flips on the vibrosword, and gets... well, nothing. No superb cutting power for him, but it's still a Clan-made sword with 3067-ish technology (read; better than anything he's buying in this town).

He'll take a low swing at one of the spiked things; hopefully it'll be cut through. Take that, 8-bit games! He knows how three dimensional physics work!


videogameslol May 26 2008, 04:59:36 UTC
Well, they certainly weren't expecting THAT. You were supposed to stab straight ahead! And as such, they go down like bitches. Super sweet.

Looks like the route is clear. On the other side are a couple of training facilities and the castle itself. A guard waits at the door.


truebornbanacek May 26 2008, 05:03:13 UTC
Caleb has, for the briefest moment, a vague compulsion to strike a victory pose or something, but shakes it off. Ignoring the training facilities (he is a Clan warrior! what need would he have for that foolishness), he starts right towards the castle. Who does this fuckin' guard think he is? He'll be dealing with Star Captain Caleb Banacek of Clan Star Adder.


videogameslol May 26 2008, 05:35:38 UTC
As it turns out, the guard doesn't deal with him too much. The ring that Caleb wears on his finger is sufficient to convince the guard to move away from the door and allow Caleb through ( ... )


truebornbanacek May 26 2008, 06:40:25 UTC
Caleb does not mention that it seems kind of stupid to have a town based entirely on one water source, and if they are, why the means to keep it flowing weren't protected. This would, in fact, be breaking the rules of the game, and is something he should not do.

"...you mean gold," he says quietly, though hopefully the king won't hear him. He's reminded of the time he corrected Kara on the word "frak". Because, well, it's "fuck". She's still wrong.

Caleb takes the gold and bows. "Thank you, sir," he says, before heading out towards... well, shit. There are shops, right? He'd better make sure there are shops and there's something worth spending money on.


videogameslol May 26 2008, 06:48:36 UTC
If the king hears him, he doesn't pay any attention to him. Anyway, it's not like they're near any major rivers or anything, what can you do?

And oh, there are shops all right. Food shops. Key shops. Weapon shops. IT'S A SHOPPING BONANZA! (Unless you want frivolities, in which case you're shit out of luck.) There's not a GREAT selection -- not even armor, oddly enough -- but it's about what you can expect from the first town.

There is also one house that seems to leave its door open, and doesn't seem to mind unexpected guests. It's here that Caleb might pick up word of a meteor that crashed into the tree -- and the bizarre invasion of the dwarves that followed.

Coincidence? Doubtful.


truebornbanacek May 26 2008, 07:01:22 UTC
Caleb spends his time wandering around the shops, poking about. He seems to be a bit confused by the idea of purchasing magic, though. "How exactly does it... work?" he says. He knows casters, but they have innate power and study, not just... purchasing. That's not how magic works, damnit. Of course, that's not how dwarves work either, so...


videogameslol May 26 2008, 07:10:08 UTC
The shopkeeper looks at him with confusion before pulling out a small scroll. "You just learn the spell on the scroll. It's not that difficult." Oh snap, Nintendo logic explained. Somebody call the cops.


truebornbanacek May 26 2008, 07:17:48 UTC
"Well, can anyone learn it, or?" Caleb doesn't quite follow if it works like Faerunian magic; if it does, he's well fucked. Selene has tried to explain the whole thing a time or two to him, with predictably googly-eyed results.


videogameslol May 26 2008, 07:24:57 UTC
The storekeeper scratches his head. "Well gee, pretty much. I would've thought an adventurer like you would know how this stuff works." The poor man is not used to having to explain this, and it shows. "Of course, you need to have the magic stores for it. If you're depleted after the trip here, you might pay a trip to the Magic Trainer, or buy some dried meat. That'll perk you up." Please don't ask him to explain magic stores. It looks like he's straining his brain as is.


truebornbanacek May 26 2008, 07:26:52 UTC
"Uh... huh. I think I get it." Which is to say that he doesn't at all, but frankly, he figures that since he's an adventurer and he's *supposed* to know how it works, it can't be all that complicated.


He'll fork over the 400 gold for a scroll of Deluge, then, and start to read it. Please let it make sense and not have had that be a waste. Please let that make sense.


videogameslol May 26 2008, 07:33:09 UTC
It makes sense! HALLELUJAH!

It makes a great deal of sense, too. It's pretty simplistic -- basically, a swordish/daggerish sort of force bursting out to hit the enemies -- but it's better than nothing, and if Caleb didn't have that handle on the third dimension, it'd be the only way to hit those low-lying enemies. It has its uses though.

There's a bit of a commotion when Caleb exits the store; something about a dwarf blocking the way to the tree proper. Sounds like a job for our resident hero!


truebornbanacek May 26 2008, 07:35:31 UTC
Well, Caleb had intended to do some more shopping, but that's neither here nor there; this is more important, after all, and Caleb does have a thing for playing the hero (as some of his Nexus compatriots may have noticed).

He comes running out, sword at the ready just in case it's... well, okay, he assumes it's probably one of those spiky things, but really, you can never be too sure, can you?


videogameslol May 26 2008, 07:42:18 UTC
Unfortunately, it's not. It's rather more ugly than the spikey things actually, with one eye, a bulbous head, and a single leg to hop on. It spots Caleb immediately and, sensing a threat, leaps at him, fangs bared.

...considering this thing goes down with a few hits of a dagger, this is probably going to get ugly really quickly. On its end.


truebornbanacek May 26 2008, 22:36:09 UTC
Caleb, as mentioned previously, understands basic physics. He also understands that there's no need for him to do a ton of work stabbing at it when he can let gravity do the exact same thing.

He holds the sword up, aimed directly at where he thinks it's going to land.


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