From out of the shadows there emerges...

Sep 13, 2007 13:07


No, wait, it's just that Briggs jerk, nevermind.
"Hey gang. So I was home sick yesterday, and one of the 43925834867 cable channels I get was rerunning the old Adam West Batman TV show. Followed by the Batman movies. And that got me Bat-thinking about the Bat-People in the Bat-Nexus and I started Bat-noticing Bat-something.
"Batman? Is Bat-batshit. Obviously, he needs Bat-therapy." Bobby grins.

"But from whom? Who's going to bring a set of tools to the table with him that enable him to pop the Bat-lid off the Bat-can of beans and get at the Bat-meat of the Bat-matter? And I'm not sure. So I figured I'd ask you guys for your insights."
He has from somewhere commandeered an electronic voting machine (not licensed for election use in California).
And the question on which one may vote is an unusual one:

Poll Bahdadadadadadada Bahdadadadadadada BAT-SHRIIINK

"Bat-thank Bat-you, Bat-everyone." He (Bat-)smirks.
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