I'd like to buy a vowel, please?

Jun 01, 2007 18:57

A song suddenly starts blaring through the Nexus! Wait, is that... the Wheel of Fortune theme song? Suddenly, part of the ground opens up, and a platform rises from beneath. On it, a large, multicolored wheel sits, glitzy and gaudy. Also on the platform is one Tom Servo, currently decked out in a suit and a really, really bad Pat Sajak wig. Gypsy is nearby, wearing a Vanna White dress and wig, and doesn't look too happy to be there.

Hello, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to...

Voices from nowhere: WHEEL! OF! LOLALITY!

That's right, ladies and gents (and others, of course), it's Wheel of LOLality, the game where you risk it all for faaaaaaaabulous prizes! Will you walk away with millions in cash, or have your fondest wish come true? Or will you become some sorta... oh, I dunno, coelecanth or something. It's all down to a simple spiiiiiiin of the wheel! Isn't that right, Gypsy White?

Gypsy: Why am I here again?

Ah ha ha, she's such a kidder! But enough jokes, let's play...


So, who's up for a little bit of chance?

((OOC information is here, folks. Have fun!))
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