Shadow Brook

Oct 04, 2012 12:18

Title: Shadow Brook - Part 4
Authors: deansdarkdream &
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Warnings: slash, possession, illness, abusive behavior, angst
Disclaimer: We don't own Jared, Jensen, Misha, Christian, Jake or anyone else.
Summary: Jared Padalecki brought his partner, Jensen Ackles to his ancestral estate, Shadow Brook as the time grew near to claim it. Jared was rightful heir to the horse breeding and training business that had been in his family for generations. They weren't at Shadow Brook long when Jared started to change. He seemed to become possessed by the spirit of his ancestor, Tristan Padalecki. Jensen must unravel the mystery of Shadow Brook before he loses Jared to the past forever.
A/N: Time for a rescue!

Shadow Brook

Part Four

Ti came across Ebonne as he ran full speed following Jensen and the black horse's path. The cat and horse exchanged a meow and whinny as they passed on the trail. When Ti saw the high stone wall, he knew somehow that his friend would be just beyond it. Ti leapt on top of the stones and spotted Jensen's supine form immediately. He hopped off the fence and ran to his friend's side. Ti rubbed his cheek against Jensen's and purred a greeting. His friend didn't move, but he was breathing steadily and that comforted Ti a little. The gray tabby settled by Jensen's side to watch over him and waited for help to arrive.

When Chris and Misha reached the covered bridge, Ebonne came thundering out towards them. They both gasped when they saw the black horse was riderless.

“Jensen!” Misha cried out as he stared at Ebonne who stopped short in front of them.

Ebonne whinnied at Misha and Chris, then turned back the way he had come. He started to gallop again and they followed after him.

“Hang on, Misha! Remember your lessons!” Chris called out as they raced across the field toward a tall stone wall. “You don't have to take the jump. You can turn back.”

“I'm taking the jump! Jensen needs me.” Misha replied hoping he would make it over the stone wall.

Chris and Misha watched as Ebonne cleared the wall effortlessly. They both managed to make it and soon sighted Jensen on the ground with Ti right beside him. The gray tabby cried out to them as they dismounted and ran over to Jensen. Misha took Jensen's hand and talked to him in a low soothing voice. Chris began to check him for injuries.

“I don't find any obvious broken bones. I'm worried about his head and back. We can't move him. I'll call for an ambulance. You should call Jared and tell him what's happened.” Chris said after looking Jensen over.

Both men made their phone calls and settled in to wait for the ambulance and Jared to arrive. It wasn't long before Jared's suv stopped on the roadway close by and he ran into the pasture to see Jensen. Chris moved back and Jared sank to his knees by his lover. His fingers were trembling as he traced Jensen's cheek and tucked back a wayward strand of blond hair. There were tears running down Jared's pale cheeks and he couldn't seem to speak past the lump in his throat. Seeing Jensen so still and lifeless looking had robbed him of speech. His eyes locked onto Jensen's chest that was rising and falling steadily as he breathed. Misha reached across Jensen and put his hand on top of Jared's comfortingly. Ti leaned in and rubbed his soft head against their hands. The three of them were united in their concern for Jensen.

“Where the hell is Katie?” Chris asked as he looked all around. “Why did she leave him here?”

The ambulance pulled up before anyone could answer. There was a flurry of activity as they got Jensen transferred to a gurney. Jared rode in the ambulance with Jensen to the hospital. Misha and Chris followed behind in Jared's suv.


When Jensen woke up, he looked around trying to focus on his surroundings. His head was throbbing and his back was spasming. He was in a sterile looking white room. Jared and Misha were both sitting at his bedside.

“Hey sleeping beauty! It's so good to see those green eyes again!” Jared exclaimed.

“Jensen! How are you feeling?” Misha asked with a bright grin.

“I feel like I went a few rounds with Mike Tyson.” Jensen said with a small smile at Jared at Misha.

“Do you remember what happened?” Jared asked with an intense look in his dark blue green eyes.

“Yeah. Ebonne and I were flying over a stone wall. There was a fox on the other side. Ebonne avoided the fox, but I couldn't hang on! I don't remember anything after that. Did Katie call you and tell you what happened?”

“Katie left the scene, but Ebonne and Ti made sure you got the help you needed.” Jared said as he squeezed Jensen's hand. “You don't have any broken bones. You're just bruised. We were very lucky things weren't worse.”

“Why were you jumping fences, Jensen?” Misha asked.

“Katie said we were going to be late getting to Edna Clover's house for our visit. I didn't want to have to explain our tardiness and Katie knew a short cut across the fields. I should have realized the danger. I'm sorry I worried you both like this. I promise to be more careful in the future.” Jensen replied as he squeezed Jared and Misha's hands that held his.

“When I find her, Katie has a lot to answer for. I will not tolerate her willfully putting you in a dangerous situation like that. I can't lose you, Jense. You mean the world to me.” Jared said and leaned in to kiss Jensen softly.

“You won't lose me, Jay. I'm not going anywhere.” Jensen said as he smiled up into his lover's eyes.


The next afternoon, Jared, Misha and Ti picked Jensen up from the hospital and took him back to Shadow Brook. Jensen had a lot of bruises and sore muscles, but would be fine in time. Ti sat on Jensen's lap purring the whole way home. He was very happy that his friend was okay and back with them. When they arrived at Shadow Brook, Jensen insisted on going out to the barn and showing Ebonne that he was alright. Chris greeted Jensen at the stable and watched as the blond went to Ebonne's stall. Ebonne stuck his head over the stall door and whickered a greeting. Jensen walked up and petted his face and neck.

“You and I are going to be good friends, Ebonne. I know you went for help to save me. Thank you.” Jensen hugged Ebonne's gracefully curved neck even though the movement brought pain in his back.

Ebonne bent his neck down a little for Jensen. He liked this soft spoken man with the gentle hands and kind heart. Jensen petted Ebonne til he grew tired, then he went to the house with Ti, Jared and Misha.

“I think I'll take a little nap before dinner. You know how hard it is to get proper rest in a hospital.” Jensen announced as they walked in the kitchen entrance of the house.

“I've got some work to do. I'll see you both at dinner.” Jared said as they reached the stairway. He cupped Jensen's face in his large hands and kissed him softly. “Please be careful, Jense. My heart couldn't take another frantic phone call.”

“I'll behave.” Jensen promised and Ti meowed sharply at his feet. “I don't think I'll have any choice.” Jensen laughed at the gray tabby's stern look.

“Keep him safe, Ti.” Jared said as he bent down to stroke the sleek cat at Jensen's feet. “Will you stay with him, Misha?”

“Of course. I'm not letting Jen out of my sight!” Misha declared.

“I'll see you all in a few hours.” Jared said as he watched them head up the stairs. He was glad Misha and Ti were with Jensen. They were the only people at Shadow Brook that he could trust with the man he loved.


Dinner was being served by Chris's Mom, Carla, as Jared strode in the room. “I'm sorry, I'm a little late.” Jared apologized as he walked behind Jensen. He paused and leaned down to kiss Jensen's cheek before moving to his seat at the head of the table. “I ran into Edna Clover as I left the Morgan's ranch. She reminded me that she hadn't received a party invitation. She invited herself and a few others over here Saturday night. She said she has a wonderful surprise for us. I agreed just to extract myself from her clutches. I hope you don't mind, Jense.” Jared said as he gave Jensen an apologetic look.

“It's alright, Jay. I figured Edna would find a way to get back in and needle me. I'm a little worried about what her surprise might be.” Jensen said with a small shake of his head.

“Me too! She's like that Nurse Ratchet from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. I'll bet her surprise won't be so wonderful.” Misha added.

Jared reached out and took Jensen and Misha's hands in his. “Whatever her surprise is, we'll face it together.” He gave a bright dimpled grin to both men.

“That's right. We are all strong together. We can take whatever she can dish out!” Jensen agreed as he returned Jared's bright smile.

“I'm with you. We won't let her railroad us with her shifty surprise.” Misha stated with a determined look in his deep blue eyes.

Ti's head popped up at the side of the table. He meowed forcefully, adding his agreement to the pact among friends.

“I believe Ti's telling us he's with us.” Jensen declared with a brilliant smile.

Ti winked his eyes at Jensen pleased that his friend understood him. Jensen reached over and petted him affectionately. For once, dinner was a happy affair at Shadow Brook.

Jensen, Jared and Misha finished clearing away the dishes as Ti watched from his perch in the window sill.

“I'm going up to soak my sore muscles in a warm bath.” Jensen declared.

“I'll be up to join you in just a moment.” Jared said in a deep warm tone that sent shivers down Jensen's spine.

Jensen and Misha walked up the stairs together with Ti rushing ahead of them to make sure the coast was clear of cloaked men.

“Jen, do you think there's a ghost here at Shadow Brook?' Misha asked in a low serious voice.

“I don't know, Mish. I wish I could figure out what is going on so we could all put this behind us. Just remember, whatever it is, we'll get through it together.”

They hugged at the top of the stairs then went to their bedrooms. Jensen ran his hot bath and settled into the water slowly. His muscles ached fiercely, but the enveloping warmth soothed them. Jensen leaned his head back and closed his eyes. He concentrated on his breathing and relaxing. Jensen didn't hear Jared enter the room.

Jared smiled down at Jensen. He was always a little stunned by the man's beauty. Jared had never thought of any man as beautiful until he met Jensen. He was drawn closer as he continued to caress his lover with his eyes.

“Jense, what do you remember about the day we met?” Jared asked as he sat on the edge of the tub.

Jensen opened his eyes and smiled up at Jared. “I was in Roxy's pizza picking up an order that Misha had phoned in. You walked in with three other guys. You were all in old worn jeans and tees. I found out later you'd been helping a friend move that day. As your friends were ordering pizza, you came up to me and introduced yourself with this amazing dimpled grin. I knew I was in trouble cause just that grin and your eyes were making me weak in the knees. I could hardly believe you were chatting me up. I mean. You were so handsome and I felt like a school girl or something. I could hardly speak. I was truly stunned when you asked me to go to the zoo with you! It was such a surprise and so utterly perfect at the same time! The first time you kissed me, I was gone. You stole my heart, Jay.” Jensen said in his soft voice as he smiled at Jared lovingly.

“Yes. You have mine too. You're the only person who wanted to be with me without knowing that I was part of the Padalecki family. You didn't find out about all that until later. By then, I knew I would never let you go.” Jared said as he pulled his arm from behind his back to show Jensen his surprise. He had brought a slice of cheesecake covered in juicy strawberries and a sweet glaze.

“Oh! I love strawberry cheesecake! You're so good to me, Jay!” Jensen leaned forward and Jay began to feed him strawberries in a thick sweet glaze.

Jared watched Jensen savoring the strawberries with a lustful gaze. Watching Jensen eat like this always made Jared want him. When he'd watched the last dripping strawberry disappear between Jensen's plump lips, Jared couldn't take it anymore. He set the untouched slice of cheesecake down on the floor and stood up. “Time to go to bed, Jense.” He husked as he stared into Jensen's jewel toned green eyes.

Jensen stood up in the tub, Jared grabbed a fluffy blue towel and began to dry him. Jared carefully blotted the water off Jensen's bruised body. His lips followed the towel's movements all over Jensen's warm smooth skin. Jensen sighed and enjoyed the intimacy. He'd missed these moments with Jay since they had been at Shadow Brook. Jared swooped Jensen up in his arms and carried him to bed. The tall man laid the blond down gently on the bed. Jensen watched with a heated gaze as Jared undressed, then climbed on the bed with him. Jensen drank in the sight of Jared's tanned muscular chest, thick cock and long sculpted legs.

“Lay on your stomach.” Jared said and Jensen rolled onto his stomach.

Jared got some massage oil out of the bedside table, straddled Jensen's hips and warmed some of the oil in his hands. Jared began to massage Jensen's aching muscles and the blond melted under his touch. Jared leaned down to nip at the nape of Jensen's neck and his earlobes. Jensen chuckled at the playful touches and smiled over his shoulder at Jared. Their eyes met and Jared couldn't wait any longer. He kissed down Jensen's body to his pert ass. Jared spent fifteen minutes worshipping Jensen's pink pucker with his lips, tongue and fingers. Jensen was writhing under him and begging him for more. Jared was happy to comply. He made love to Jensen with long smooth strokes. His body completely covered Jensen and pressed him into the mattress. Jensen dug his fingers into the bed covers and moaned out his desire. Jared loved the sounds Jensen made and the way his body responded to him. After a few more moments of languid strokes, Jared pulled out of Jensen.

“Turn over, Baby. I want to see your face when you come.” Jared said in a passionate deep tone.

Jensen turned over and pulled Jared into a hot kiss as Jared pushed back inside Jensen's tight channel. Jared finally broke the kiss and placed Jensen's legs over his shoulders. He couldn't hold out much longer and he knew exactly how Jensen liked to finish. When Jared changed the tempo and pace, Jensen's body thrummed like a live wire underneath him. They moved together urgently and finally Jensen cried out.

“Oh, god! Jared!”

Jensen's body tightened down and shuddered all around Jared and he let himself find release deep inside his lover. Their bodies continued to move together until they were spent. Jared rolled onto his side and pulled Jensen up close against him. He looked down at Jensen's glowing happy face and smiled. Jensen reached up and tucked a stray strand of Jared's hair back. They snuggled up close together and Jensen soon drifted off to sleep. Jared was awake for awhile longer. He was thinking about the events of the past couple months. Jared knew two things with complete conviction. He would fight for Shadow Brook and he would die for Jensen.

Shadow Brook Part 5

hurt, help, friendship, fear, together, angst, misha, touch, pain, jensen, shadow brook, jared, love

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