deancastielnews FAQ

Oct 10, 2009 14:33

Please take five minutes to read this post.

What's this thing about anyway?

deancastielnews is a newsletter for the pairing Dean/Castiel from The CW's Supernatural.

The posts include all links I can find (since the previous edition) that involve the pairing Dean/Castiel, pending a few exceptions that are outlined below.

What do I need to do to get linked in the newsletter?

Basically, do something related to Dean/Castiel. Write a story, make icons, do a meta, make a list of your favorite songs that remind you of Dean/Castiel and put together a fanmix, draw something, make a musicvideo that revolves around the two of them-ANYTHING-and share it with us. How you actually get included in the newsletter? More about that below.

How do I submit things to the newsletter?

Two options:

1. Crosspost to one of the communities I watch from the deancaswatchers flist.
2. If I've missed you in the previous edition or you haven't crossposted, you can comment to the most recent edition and I'll get you that way.

Beyond that, this newsletter also has some guidelines:

Fan Fiction (including Podfics):

1. Your fic MUST include a title and rating to get included. The rating must be one found in the MPAA rating guide because they are widely understood.
2. Posting your fic to a Dean/Castiel community, or a RPF (Real Person Fiction) community doesn't exclude the fic from requiring an indication of a pairing because sometimes fics get crossposted mistakenly. I will refuse to link your fic without those requirements.
3. When posting a crossover fic with Dean/Castiel as the mainpairing, or when your fic has multiple pairings (example: Dean/Castiel, Dean/Jimmy) please state so clearly in your entry. I have a seperate section (Fanfic: Others) for these kind of fics. There are only a few crossover fics out there most of the time, but I still wanted to seperate them from normal Supernatural fics, to keep everything easily accessible for everyone.
4. Your fic must be placed behind an lj-cut. Don't know how they work? Find out how to do one here.
5. I remove everything down to the base URL, including cutids and reply links. This leads readers directly to the header of a fic so they're aware what they clicked, in case there is more information I haven't included in the NL (kinks, etc). This is to make the reader responsible for what they're clicking.


Any fanart must be labeled for potential spoilers (anything that hasn’t aired in America yet) and, if there is a pairing or something explicit in the fanart, a note of the rating and pairing.


Covers fandom contributions created in different media from fanart, fanfic, fanvids, etc. Can include things from podfics, fanmixes, original songs, etc.

Further questions?

Where do you get the links that make up the newsletter?

I have put up a journal especially for this: deancaswatchers, that I have friended people and communities with. I collect all the links from the friends list in that journal and from the comments that people leave on the previous edition.

This is a Dean/Castiel newsletter. Why do you have a 'Fanfic: Gen' category?

There are a lot of Dean/Castiel fics out there these days, but there are also a lot of fics out there which concentrate on Dean and Castiel as friends, not on Dean/Castiel as lovers. I wanted to include them in the newsletter as well, therefore I added this category.

I have something I want linked on another journal site like JournalFen, InsaneJournal or GreatestJournal. How do I get it linked?

You don't, unfortunately. I'm an LJ-based newsletter and for the foreseeable future will be staying that way. If I had to watch three other sites for information I'd never get an edition done. If you post a fic to your own personal website (not or another archive site) and crosspost the fic to LJ I will link to the LJ post where the link to the offsite fic is, but not to any other journaling systems.

The actual content you want linked has to be posted on Livejournal. No offsite links to content posted on other journaling systems or archive sites will be included.

What's your spoiler policy?

Anything that has not been aired in America yet is considered to be a spoiler. If it hasn't aired yet in America it must be placed under an ljcut and it must be labeled. Anything that has to do with future episodes (this includes promos) is considered to be spoilery. This is to protect the people who read the newsletter from being spoiled. If I discover a post that hasn't been indicated as containing spoilers for unaired episodes I will automatically ban that person from being linked in the newsletter.

I have a journal/community I'd like you to watch so you don't miss me!

Please be aware that if you have a journal you'd like me to watch, but you crosspost your fandom stuff to one of the communities that I watch at deancaswatchers, that I probably won't add your journal but will take your links from the communities. But basically if you have a recs/graphics/fic comm/journal, etc, or post exclusively to your own journal/community please let me know at deancaswatchers, or on the most recent edition of the newsletter.

I have a comment/suggestion/criticism for you!

Feel free to comment to this post :)

~ faq

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