I saw something called a drabble tag on a community that I watch recently, and thought it would be great to start one here to help get peoples creative juices flowing, and hopefully get some more fic!
For those who aren't familiar with how a drabble tag works, you can see an example
over here at
lifeonmarthaThe basic concept is fairly simple, though: You start out with a few fic prompts. People comment to the post with a drabble/ficlet fulfilling one of those prompts, and at the bottom of said comment (after their ficlet), leave three or so prompts. And the cycle continues.
Generally speaking, the response requirements are fairly relaxed - despite the name, the fics don't have to have a 100 word limit, but can be as long as you want (so long as it fits in one comment).
People are welcome to respond to as many prompts as possible, and more than one person can respond to the same prompt. It'd be preferable if people put the prompts they respond to in comment headers, though, so when the comments collapse, they're easier to find.
I really hope people take to this idea, and I can't wait to see the results :)
Some prompts to start you off:
- Jo gets run over by a car
- Dean can't ride a bike
- Jo and Dean get trapped in an elevator