"Luke, i'm coming home for awhile." 2/2

Oct 03, 2009 23:45

TItle: "Luke, i'm coming home for awhile."
Rating: PG 13
Pairing: Daley, Saley, Jessica/Sam
Summery: Second and last part of my Two-Shot "Luke, i'm coming home for awhile." The pilot of Supernatural with Haley added in.

It had been a week since Sam had been gone and Haley was missing him like crazy. She was even missing Dean a little bit. Even though she only met him once. Haley had been staying with Jess just so they could keep each other company. That day was the day Sam was supposed to be home but it was late and he wasn’t home yet, so Jessica left a note and cookies on the counter and left Haley asleep on the couch, where she fell asleep. Haley woke up to a lot of commotion and went to see what was going on. Dean was pulling Sam out of their bedroom, where Jessica was on the ceiling on fire.

“Wait, what?” Haley thought hectically. “Jess?” Haley breath in alarm and the brothers looked at her. Sam with tears in his eyes and Dean with concern on his face. They pulled her out of the room where her best friend died.

Later after the fire department and cops left Haley was left staring at the brothers.

“What happened to Jess, really?” Haley asked through her tears.

“You would never believe me Hales.” Sam said quietly.

“She was pinned to the ceiling! Bleeding! On fire! I’m sure I could…just tell me!” Haley all but yelled. Sam just looked away but Dean came and stood in front of her, taking her shoulders in his hands he looked her in the eyes.

“We don’t know but it wasn’t human.”

“Wh…what?” Haley stuttered, dumbfounded.

“Their such things as Vampires, werewolves, demons, and so on. We hunt them.” Dean told her in a sign.

“That’s what you meant by a hunting trip.” Haley put together. “But that’s crazy. Those things don’t exist.” She reasoned but she could tell by the look in Dean’s eyes that it was either true (which it couldn’t be, her mind screamed at her,) or he really believed that it was true.

“They do.” Dean persisted.

“Your crazy. I’m sorry but…” Haley started but Deans groan cut her off.

“Then how do you explain what happened? How was Jessica pinned to the ceiling? Bleeding? And on fire?” Dean was getting tired of havening to explain this and he was more then a little worried about Sam.

“I, I don’t know.”

“Think about it. It adds up doesn’t it?” Dean told her with a smirk, shooting a worried glance at his brother who was starring into space.

“It can’t be.” Haley breathed so quiet Dean almost didn’t ketch it. He felt sympathy for the girl, she was finding out everything she always thought never existed really did.

“Sorry sweetheart but it’s true.” Dean said as he started to turn around to check on his brother. He was walking over to Sam and heard quiet footsteps behind him. Haley, of course. She saw that it really did add up. But, supernatural beings? It was mind boggling. And they killed Jessica. Jessica. She felt sadness welling up inside. Why would anyone want to kill Jess? Then, because Haley had always been a smart girl, she got it. Dean said that him and Sam hunted supernatural beings and that was probably why Jessica was killed. She looked to Sam who was actually staring at her with sadness, guilt, and regret on his face.

“Haley I’m so sorry. It’s my fault. It’s all…” Haley couldn’t stand it anymore. Seeing Sam like that was breaking her heart. Those puppy dog eyes should never be that sad.

“Shut up Sam.” She said while shaking her head with tears in her eyes. Sam shifted his gaze to the ground thinking his best friend was about to yell at him and Dean clenched his fists trying to stop himself from hitting the pretty girl in front of him. They thought she blamed Sam. But then she went on. “Sam it’s not your fault.” Haley finished as she hugged Sam closely.

“But…” Sam started to argue but Haley didn’t want him too.

“No buts. It’s not your fault, ok? I don’t want you to blame yourself and neither would Jess and you know that. Sam…” Haley didn’t know what else to say as tears started falling down her face.

“Hales, I’m going with my brother. I’m going to hunt the bastard that did this to Jess down and kill it.” Sam told Haley. She pulled back with a horrified look on her face.

“Sam, no! You could get killed, and…” Haley started while shaking her head back and worth in desperation.

“I have to do this.” Sam said and Haley just knew he wouldn’t give in.

“I’ll miss you.” She said simply.

“You too Hales.” Haley detached herself from Sam and backed up.

“Ok, well we better go. Go ahead and get in the car Sammy I have some things to say to Haley.” Dean said to Sam. His tone reminded Haley of a father talking to his little boy. Haley laughed inwardly at the thought and then decided she was loosing her mind. But could anyone really blame her? One of her best friend was killed by some ghost or something, she found out the supernatural existed, and her other best friend/small crush (was there really any denying it?) was leaving.

“Dean.” Sam said in a warning and slightly shocked tone.

“Well be done in a minute.” Dean told Sam. Sam nodded his head hesitantly.

“Bye Hales. And I really am sorry. I should have…” Once again Haley had to interrupt him.

“You have nothing to be sorry for and there was nothing you could have done.” Haley ran up and hugged him again. “Bye Sam.” She whispered in his ear and he shivered automatically feeling guilty for it. He always had a thing for Haley but nothing ever developed and then he met Jess and fell in love. But that thing for Haley James never went away and now with Jess being dead he felt especially guilty and horrible. He pulled away and kissed her on the forehead stiffly.  Sam then got into the Impala. Haley had to wipe away her tears before she turned to Dean.

“I’m sorry for your loss.” Dean said, it was almost like a reflex Haley noticed. She imagined Dean doing this over and over again and once again inwardly laughed at the though. She decided she definitely went crazy.

“Of which one of my friends?” Haley asked while shifting around nervously. Dean raised an eyebrow questioningly not knowing what she was talking about. “I’m never going to see Sam again am I?” She asked bluntly.

“Probably not. At least not until we ketch what ever killed your friend. But, Haley, I wanted to talk to you for a reason. Whatever went after Jessica might be after you. It’s motive was, probably, to get to Sam and so it went after Jessica. Now it could just as easily get to him by coming after you. I didn’t want him to worry about you by putting that thought into his head but I do want to worry you.” Dean told Haley and she just stared at him with an open mouth.

“I could be killed for knowing Sam?” Haley asked, flabbergasted.

“No.” Dean shook his head sadly. “You could be killed for loving Sam.” Dean told Haley with a sad smile. “Hunter aren’t supposed to get close to anyone or they might be killed. That means no friends unless their hunters or can take care of themselves.” Dean was surprised when Haley hugged him with tears in her eyes but after a second wrapped his arms around her. He was once again shocked because it felt right to have his arms around her. He got rid of that thought quickly. Dean Winchester didn’t do the lovey dovey shit.

“Thank you, for warning me. For…everything. Look after Sam please. Please?” Haley begged into Dean’s ear and Dean had to entertain the thought that maybe Haley had deeper feelings for his brother than just friendship. He ignored that thought, not wanting, for some unknown reason, to think about that possibility.

“Of course I’ll look after him. He is my little brother. Now we don’t know what killed Jessica so keep salt around the windows and doors. Demons can’t pass it because salt is pure. And here…” Dean pulled out a piece of paper that had a number on it. He was planning on doing this and wrote it down earlier. “It’s my number. If you ever need any supernatural help and can’t get a hold of Sammy just call me. Ok?” Dean dropped his arms, ready to walk away from the intriguing girl that his brother may or may not have a thing for.

“Thank you.” Haley said sincerely. “Bye Dean. Believe it or not I’ll actually miss you.” Haley kissed him on the cheek, lingering for a second longer than appropriate for people who, for all intents and purposed, just met. Dean chuckled.

“Take care of yourself.” He walked away and into the car. Haley watched them pull away, crying. I can’t do this, she thought fleetingly and in that moment of weakness she got out her cell phone. She dialed a familiar number.

“Luke, I’m coming home for awhile.” 


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