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Comments 4

treenahasthaal June 8 2011, 16:21:19 UTC
Re: Dr Who. I am getting a littled fed up with moffat's infatuation with River Song. As I said to another fan - she's like the Mara Jade of Dr Who. : ( I liked her to start with - she was mysterious and interesting with no. 10. now she's just EVERYWHERE! : (


deaka June 10 2011, 06:20:41 UTC
Ha, I went the other way with River -- took me quite a while to warm to her, but now I like her just fine. Except that I'm not sure about the latest revelation for a whole bundle of reasons, but we'll see I suppose.


gabri_jade June 9 2011, 05:53:44 UTC
I don't watch White Collar, and I don't know what's going on with Who because BBC America has apparently fallen a week behind the BBC, which means Amazon can't release their video on demand version until BBC America airs it, so I'm avoiding spoilers like the plague until after this weekend when I can finally catch up.

So why am I posting? Because if you're resisting the urge to make a Hitler joke (I don't know any that involve sandwich stealing, and am intrigued), I have an opportunity to share an icon that I rather love, but feel wrong actually uploading and using: Hipster Hitler! Ta-da!

... )


deaka June 10 2011, 06:32:16 UTC
Avoiding spoilers is wise - you really don't want to be spoiled for the next few coming up. (Next one? I'm not sure where the different broadcasts are up to.) It's not easy though. My brother's missed a few and I've nearly given away plot details about, oh, a hundred times. I'm like HURRY UP AND WATCH ALREADY. :p

AHAHA, that is fabulously strange. (The joke involved an obscure reference to a Red Dwarf episode where they go back in time and steal his banana and crisps sandwich, so not that interesting *g*)


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