Fic: Remembrance -- (Mm, spam)

Jul 23, 2009 20:43

I have completely failed at replying to anything lately, but if it's any consolation I offer fic: Remembrance, a Lando & Mara fic that is a little Lando/Mara, posted here at marafics and here at TFN, and maybe FFN at some point when I can be bothered wrestling with document uploading. Turned out more ponderous than I expected, but the EU's treatment of ( Read more... )

lando calrissian, fic, reading, mara jade

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Comments 2

moonspinner July 23 2009, 11:36:18 UTC
I just finished reading your fic. The thoughts are still spinning around in my head. I'll post a review once they settle down.

The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing, Traitor to the Nation

It does sound like high fantasy. Which modern day mother would ever name her child Octavian? Which 18th century bride would ever marry a man called Nothing? :P :P


deaka July 29 2009, 07:57:09 UTC
It's pretty out there for a title, isn't it? But it's very good. I'm not very patiently waiting until I can get my hands on the second volume now. :D


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