Fic: "Bloodstain and Ember" -- Luke, Leia, Mara AU, 1/1

Mar 03, 2009 22:24

Title: Bloodstain and Ember
Rating: PG
Characters: Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Mara Jade
Pairings: Luke/Mara
Keywords: Angst, AU
Disclaimer: Star Wars belongs to Lucas et al, not me.

WARNINGS: References to character death, past torture and current angst.

Summary: Sometimes, having survived is the most difficult part.

A/N: Cross-posted at TFN.
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luke/mara, star wars, leia organa, luke skywalker, fic, mara jade

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Comments 17

archaeologist_d March 3 2009, 16:33:48 UTC
Well, that was both beautiful and horribly depressing. I loved all the little details of what Luke had gone through and Mara and left us with tantalizing pieces of story.

Well done.


deaka March 8 2009, 09:38:31 UTC
Thank you. I kept the backstory subtle here, all the while hoping it wasn't too subtle... it's always a fine line. Thanks for the reply!


immortal_jedi March 3 2009, 19:05:02 UTC
Ah Geez, what an awful world. What happened? You've given us just enough hints to make me curious as to what caused it.

Well done! This is an excellent look at a very interesting AU, and I'd love to see more from this universe!


deaka March 8 2009, 09:39:31 UTC
Thanks! I like AUs where you have to piece the clues together, and I guess that shows here. :p Not sure at this point whether there will be more, but I'm glad you enjoyed.


treenahasthaal March 3 2009, 19:57:27 UTC
Very compelling AU. Very angsty and delicious to read. I'd like to know much more about this universe.


deaka March 8 2009, 09:39:52 UTC
Angst is such fun to write, so I'm glad to hear it was enjoyable to read as well. :D Thanks for the feedback!


sunnyskywalker March 5 2009, 06:21:45 UTC
Ouch. They are all so broken! And you killed Han! And left Leia to raise the kids alone with horrible memories and she hardly gets to see them! And I'm scared to ask about Chewie! Ahem. Sorry, I had to distract myself from the on-page tragedy by worrying about the off-page parts.

I'm so impressed that you created this whole AU so clearly while telling an actual story with character interaction and emotional arc and almost no exposition. That is hard! And I want to know more, even if it hurts.


deaka March 8 2009, 09:42:18 UTC
Breaking them is such fun, though. :p Hm, Chewie would have to be Leia's deputy, I think, off managing crises while she deals with the skittish PTSD brother because he doesn't want to see the next generation grow up in such a messed up galaxy... *ponders* Must resist further plot bunnies. :p

Thanks for reading!


sunnyskywalker March 8 2009, 18:29:01 UTC
But Deputy!Chewie would be so awesome! And with Han dead, he could be nice and broken too!


sandspirit March 5 2009, 10:23:41 UTC
So very angsty, but awesome! Great descriptions!
The past left a wall between Luke and Leia, but I love how much they still care for each other.
> She held no absolution in check for him, because it had never been hers to give.
Awww! *sobs*
And Luke/Mara scene is breathtaking, in a sad way. I loved the quiet understanding between them.


deaka March 8 2009, 09:42:52 UTC
Thank you. I rewrote the Luke/Mara interactions a couple of times, because it's a tricky vibe. Hopefully it works in the finished product. :p Thanks for the feedback.


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