Fic: "In Company" -- Han & Luke gen one-shot

Jul 26, 2007 21:30

Title: "In Company" 
Category: Character piece, friendship, vignette
Timeframe: 8 ABY; between The Courtship of Princess Leia and Tatooine Ghost

Summary: Luke visits while Han's lying low in the Falcon after an argument with Leia

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star wars, leia organa, han solo, han/leia, luke skywalker, fic

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Comments 2

sunnyskywalker May 3 2008, 01:28:27 UTC
I love this so much, I'm adding it to memories. Friendship and sibling-ship and father issues and... and I'm a total gen junkie :D But I love how you've captured so many of the interwoven relationships in this piece, between Han and Luke, Han and Leia, Luke and Leia, Vader and everyone... And it has such a nice balance between Han and Luke dancing around the serious issues and past hurts and them trying to keep the mood light.

Also, we must share a few brain cells, because all the questions they raise here about Force aptitude and the potential for evil are pretty much exactly what I imagined they would say. It was uncanny! So, um, I like your interpretation of the characters :D


deaka May 3 2008, 12:52:31 UTC
I'm really glad to hear you enjoyed it. :D I find Han and Luke a little tricky to write, especially when it comes to stuff like this, because I can't see them being too comfortable with the heart-laid-bare stuff. Luke may have found it easier when he was younger, but as he ages and gains more experience as a Jedi, I can see him becoming more closed in certain areas. And Han would be uncomfortable with it at pretty much any stage. /rambling. :p

Brain sharing FTW! :D Thanks for reading!


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