More thoughts on LotF and women in Star Wars - spoilers

Apr 22, 2008 00:14

I have niggling issues with LotF on a number of counts, but one of the more disturbing ones is something that I've only put my finger on recently. ( Read more... )

rants, meta, lotf

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Re: Here via jedi_news. deaka April 23 2008, 14:20:24 UTC
I think it may be not so much that I don't have a problem with Padme's death so much as I'm not as engaged with the prequels side of SW, so I haven't expended quite so much ranting there. When I thought about it I realised that women dying to serve the needs of the male protagonist goes all the way back to the PT. Shmi's death has issues, Padme's more so, in that we had more of a sense of her character and it did seem OOC. In a symbolic way, I can kind of see what George was going for, but when you actually look at the messages it sends, it's not working too well. Plus it just doesn't make a lot of sense, full stop.

I really think something's a little off with LotF. Maybe coincidence could be claimed, but the trend strikes me as worrying. Star Wars doesn't have an abundance of female characters to begin with, and they're vanishing at an alarming rate. And that's just one of the problems with the series, in amongst the pacing issues and the random gratuitous characters and plotlines and so on and so on...


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Re: Here via jedi_news. deaka April 25 2008, 08:48:39 UTC
Fanfiction can be tricky, since Star Wars as a source material does give the meat of the story and the characterisation to male characters. Especially if you're writing PT-era stuff, because there's only really Padme to write about in terms of major characters (according to the movies, at least - my knowledge of the PT EU in terms of novels and so on is a little spotty, but I haven't gotten the impression that there are a host of female characters there either). The OT isn't much better, unless you count the fact that the sole major female character actually makes it out alive. :p And the EU might have more female characters, but their roles leave room for improvement.

I agree - Jaina being the one to turn Sith could have really worked. I think Jacen's unsuitability to the role they've pushed his character into is one of the main problems with LotF. Even the other characters seem to have trouble taking him seriously as a villain. *sigh*


sunnyskywalker April 24 2008, 00:21:39 UTC
Reason #327 why I quit reading the EU ages ago. I keep thinking that one of these days, I'll read about a new series and it will sound so great that I'll start reading again, but no.

I got so sick of Leia being sidelined in the books. She's at work, or she's upset about something and helpless, or... I'm sure she did something else. It will come to me. Talk about wasted potential.

I wonder if TPTB even considered making Jaina the new Sith and killing off, say, Zekk, Jag, and Jacen to further her storyline.


deaka April 25 2008, 08:58:13 UTC
I got so sick of Leia being sidelined in the books. She's at work, or she's upset about something and helpless, or... I'm sure she did something else. It will come to me. Talk about wasted potential.

Plus the Solo kids whining about how she was such a terrible mother because, you know, she actually had a life and priorities outside of the home. Oh, woe. *eyeroll*

I wonder if TPTB even considered making Jaina the new Sith and killing off, say, Zekk, Jag, and Jacen to further her storyline.

Excellent point. And both of those options would be more interesting than what's happening in the series now.


sunnyskywalker April 25 2008, 21:53:36 UTC
Yes, how could I forget about all the bashing of working mothers? I mean, I understand that young kids don't always understand why their parents have to work, and I understand that Leia's job takes up more time than most. But enough is enough! Where are the parts where the kids are bummed that she misses dinner, but proud of her for negotiating a settlement that stops a war or something? Or maybe glad that they live in a safer galaxy because of their parents? (Well, not lately, but at some point it might have been true.)


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deaka April 25 2008, 09:08:30 UTC
There is so much of this in media that I think to an extent we're schooled not to notice it. I feel kind of bad that it took me a while to actually put my finger on this as something that bothered me about LotF - I suppose at first, it seems like it could be coincidence, but by this stage it's beginning to take on the appearance of a trend, which is worrisome.

Heh, I can understand the end-of-semester feeling *looks guiltily at assignments waiting to be done*. But you do make sense just fine. :D


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