Fic: "Incident at the Red Rancor" -- Luke/Mara, 1/1

Apr 20, 2008 00:21

Title: "Incident at the Red Rancor"
Characters: Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade
Category: Missing scene
Timeframe: During Union

Summary: Mara decides Luke's not forgiven just yet.

A/N: Inspired by the JC's SJRS Union Challenge for April, though I'm not sure this entirely meets the stipulations. I guess it depends on your interpretation of how Luke and ( Read more... )

luke/mara, star wars, luke skywalker, fic, mara jade

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Comments 4

archaeologist_d April 19 2008, 14:33:10 UTC
That was great. I loved that Mara was chewing him out for the brawl. After all, a Jedi Master should know better. LOL.

“You’re so cute when you’re threatening bodily harm.” He scrunched his face at her.

He's trying to wiggle his way out of her upset but she's not having any of it.

Great job.


deaka April 20 2008, 04:54:30 UTC
Luke should have been embarrassed about that brawl, I think. And Mara let him off far too lightly in Union. :p

Thanks! :D


lotusflower85 April 20 2008, 09:42:33 UTC
I've never actually read Union (seen a few pages online and know the general gist of it) so I don't really know what happened at this brawl, but I can see Mara being very annoyed at Luke for having gotten himself into such a mess.

This was great - loved the banter ("don't be a baby", "unsympathetic wench" - classic). And then the tenderness at the end mixed with her calling him an 'idiot', with I suspect much less malice - is just perfect Mara.


deaka April 21 2008, 14:43:08 UTC
You're not missing a great deal, as it's wildly sappy and rather OOC. :p The brawl consists of a bachelor party Han throws for Luke, in which they run into some swoop gang trouble. Mara doesn't even chew Luke out for getting himself injured, so I thought I'd rectify things. :p

Thanks so much! I was worried about my banter sounding in-character, so I'm glad you liked it.


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