It's really crazy-foggy out right now. It keeps getting foggier as the morning burns on, too. It doesn't feel like 1 C out there, though. Feels a bit warmer, which is at least a little more pleasent
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300 looks kinda crazy. Everything is super glossy which seems to work in favor of the CG. A definite visual stunner, but it's coming out in early March. Sin City surprised, though, so maybe this'll work too.
Yeah, it's done in the same style as Sin City, which is a little odd since it's a different director. Whatevs. Hopefully it's good, cuz the guy is the latest to be signed on to do Watchmen.
I've heard that either Dream Country or Seasons of Mist is actually a little underwhelming but you're right, I've never heard any overtly disparaging reviews of any of the books in The Sandman series. I think that Gaiman is percieved as being almost beyond criticism what with argueably the most talented man in comics being his protege and all. I bought volumes eight, nine and ten at Trade a Tape today for five dollars a piece "used." That's more than sixty bucks in comics for only fifteen so i'm excited but I actually did think to myself as I bought these "why the fuck is this guy so good anyways?"
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