From the Journal of Our Favorite Fish....

Jun 23, 2006 19:52

Title: From the Journal of ………..Sushi.

Author: deadpoetwoffie

Spoilers: none that I can see

Disclaimer: terimaru owns the fish and Joss owns the ‘verse. I just get to play in the fish tank every once in a while.

Rating: G

A/N: This is my challenge fic in which I completely ignored the challenge. J I have been wanting to do this for a while now, but the muse just smacked me upside the head with it tonight. I had no choice. If anybody wants me to continue and write more of this fashion, I will surely try my best.

I come from a long line of carnival fish. It’s an alright life, floating around in a little plastic baggie until someone comes along and wins you, whisking you off to their home way out here on the rim.

In all honesty, I’ve always felt that it was a bit too confining for me. I’ve always considered myself to be a free spirit. I knew that I was meant for something bigger. Something more.

Yet the way that the chubby little kid was looking at me, I got the sinking feeling in my gut that I was going to end up in just another dustbowl township, dying of malnutrition at a young age. This little kid didn’t know how to care for a fish like me. He would drop me in a glass cup (if I was lucky it would be a bowl), and forget about me. I wouldn’t be fed, my water would go unchanged, and I would die - just another anonymous fish in the circle of life.

I didn’t want that mediocrity. I wanted to see the stars. From what little I had seen of them, mostly during the carnival at night, they were beautiful.

I couldn’t let myself come into the clutches of the plump child in front of me. I did the only thing I could do. I closed my eyes and swished my self upside down to float at the top of the bag. I felt the water jostle around me. When it settled I peeked with one eye. The bag next to me was gone. That was a close call! I still had the possibility of freedom in my life. I was content.

Later that evening, I was star gazing when I heard the familiar ting of ducks being shot. Only this time they were all shot- every one of them. I knew that meant the lucky winner got to pick any prize they wanted.

I tore my gaze from the stars to see if I would be interested.  There was man and a woman. The man wore a long brown coat and a bit of a mischievous grin. The woman next to him was beautiful. These were not folk from around here. These were travelers. These people could take me to the stars.

I eagerly began making myself look as desirable as possible. I swam around, not too excitedly, but enough to proclaim that I was not a lazy fish. I was a fish of intellect. I wanted this to show. The woman’s face came to rest in front of my bag. She smiled sweetly, so I swam to the side and let my face rest against the bag, trying to say, “I choose you.”

She gently lifted my bag.

“I’ll take this one,” I heard her say.

I saw more stars that night than I ever thought possible. I had never realized how much sky there truly was.

I was taken to their home, a large ship named Serenity. I was given a proper bowl. She, Inara is her name, even spruced up my living quarters a bit with some ribbon. That night, Inara, the man (Mal) and I had a nice conversation. Well, mostly I did the talking and they….they decided speak to each other with their hands (and other body parts). I remember there was much talk of a haircut but they obviously use some definition of haircut I’ve never heard before. To be honest, they made me blush. But even amidst all of their excitement they gave me a name.

When the other occupants of Serenity arrived I realized that I was going to have a nice extended family. The younger one keeps reminding, the very large, very loud one that there is something that they haven’t told me in relation to my name, but I have come to terms with the fact that I may not really want to know.

In any case, I like it here. I now know my place in this ‘verse. I am Sushi: Fish of the Sky.
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