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rsadelle October 19 2011, 21:21:15 UTC
Ugh. That was SO POINTLESS. Maybe if the Rev had been around a little longer, the driving Duke to him thing might have made it a plot point - still deeply problematic, but slightly more sense-making - but since they then did in the Rev, they really just killed her to kill her.

Also, there's Haven fandom? Is any section of it worth paying attention to?


halfshellvenus October 18 2011, 20:17:09 UTC
I did not even know this was a thing, but then again... none of these are my fandoms.

I've had the Mercedes vs. Rachel discussion with my daughter (we are Caucasian) WRT to the show, but it's based on musical taste. As in, my daughter likes a lot of Pop, and doesn't like Mercedes' singing at all. I used to like Rachel's singing more than I do now (before she became all showstopper-generic), but I've always thought Mercedes was the better singer. By far. She makes songs sound like she owns them, and she has an individual musicality that most of the other singers lost a long time ago.

So, in the rare cases where we get to have WoC on shows, fandom is now randomly hating on them? *sigh* This is why we can't have nice things. :(


ladypeyton October 18 2011, 22:22:56 UTC
I never understood the Martha hate, aside from the fact that she wasn't Saint Rose, who I couldn't stand by the time she left the show, mostly because of her fans.

I love Martha. She's awesome. She saved the world with the power of storytelling.

And Mercedes, who was totally robbed last episode. She totally sung Rachel's pants off.


sabotabby October 19 2011, 00:02:57 UTC
Wow, seriously? Martha deserved a better storyline than she got-I always kind of felt that the showrunner didn't much care for her. I am vaguely aware that she gets hate in fandom, but it always shocks me when I encounter it.

I only watched the first bit of True Blood, but Tara struck me as the best of them, mostly because she wasn't in the books. I hated the books.


jlh October 19 2011, 00:07:03 UTC
I wish that the conversation would center slightly less around fandom's reaction and more about the way that the canons lead people to those reactions-thinking specifically here of Mercedes, but also Martha to a certain extent. Uhura and Gwen from Merlin had the "bad luck" to get in the way of a slash ship, but when it's a Black girl things get a lot uglier. (Like petitions. Have there been any petitions about slash ships when the girl-in-the-way wasn't Black?)

I'm not saying fandom doesn't have something to answer for, here, but it's not like they're pulling this out of the clear blue sky, either.


serenada October 19 2011, 02:48:36 UTC
Have there been any petitions about slash ships when the girl-in-the-way wasn't Black?

Sure. The petition to get Jo off Supernatural was all about preserving the possibility (ha!) of a Sam/Dean relationship.


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