ok people get out your popcorn!

Aug 02, 2011 13:21

Marvel debuts half-black, half-Hispanic Spider-Man

(would it be bad of me to point out that thing where sometimes people can be black and hispanic at the same time, without-- no, never mind.)

eta: sekrit footage of the new spiderman. )

marvel, fanboy wankery alert, spiderman, race and representation

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Comments 23

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delux_vivens August 2 2011, 21:13:44 UTC
its how i roll.


delux_vivens August 2 2011, 21:54:53 UTC
besides its not like they said he was black and arab or something whackalicious like that.


sisterjune August 2 2011, 23:13:14 UTC
but you CAN be black and arab. that's pretty much what the sudanese believe themselves to be. albeit alot of arabs dont agree but IMO i think they are arabs.


evilshelly August 2 2011, 20:58:16 UTC
My daughter, because I'm pretty sure she want's to see my head explode, was quick to share some anonymous comments with me.

Here's a favorite: "Shame on Marvel Comics!" This is no diversity; this is a disgrace! Spiderman was Peter Parker, and Peter Parker was white. Create a new character if you want to prove that Marvel Comics is "diverse". Minorities are typically less that 18% of the population, but they seem to get nearly 100% of the history. Why should white children not have a comic book hero that they can identify with?"


celestyna August 2 2011, 21:00:32 UTC
I would love to live in this mythical 'verse she speaks of where there are no white comic book heros.

just sayin'. lol.


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celestyna August 2 2011, 21:08:49 UTC
never underestimate the ignorance of Anonymous


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delux_vivens August 2 2011, 21:01:04 UTC
You know I don't exist.

Well, there is that.


celestyna August 2 2011, 21:08:03 UTC
OMG the comments in the Salon.com version of this article are golden


"Garfield was chosen to avoid the controversy that "Thor" attracted when it cast African-American actor Idris Elba in the role of Norse god Heimdall.
'Idris Elba isn't African-American, largely because he isn't American. He's from Hackney in East London.' "

"you want equality?
Cast Brad Pitt as martin luther king then I'll join you."

and then there's a rousing Nick Fury/Samuel Jackson debate.

Must be a half black half Mexican lesbian Muslim who defended Castro from the Great Satan."

I'm weird, though, I love watching stupid people get pwned.


annlarimer August 3 2011, 16:05:00 UTC
Oh come ON! Roger Moore or Doug McClure are the ONLY choices for MLK.


i call shenanigans! delux_vivens August 3 2011, 16:20:05 UTC
tom hanks would be the best MLK ever!


witchsistah August 2 2011, 21:23:03 UTC
Get out ya popcorn and your bingo cards (hope you got lots of 'em).


delux_vivens August 2 2011, 21:52:21 UTC
i added an eta to the op.


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