
Mar 01, 2009 14:22, a popular celebrity gossip blog run by Asian-American blogger justjared has just posted this link, wherein he pretty much poses the question, do black guys all look alike to you?

Earlier this week in San Francisco, Corbin Bleu met his “twin”, skater Steven Smith, who plays Chad in High School Musical: The Ice TourCorbin, 20, will be ( Read more... )

fine assed brothers, wtf?, disney

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Comments 20

ali_wildgoose March 1 2009, 19:43:32 UTC

I didn't realize that "vaguely similar hairstyles" meant "practically twins." :|

(In which case most of the white guys I know are an ARMY OF CLONES)


ohinternets March 1 2009, 19:48:09 UTC
(In which case most of the white guys I know are an ARMY OF CLONES)


Their hairstyles aren't even that similar! They don't even have the same haircolor! I just. don't. get it.


xayeidemon March 1 2009, 19:49:58 UTC
Hmmm. Perhaps I'm missing something, but I didn't see where he asked if black guys all look the same. I just saw him ask if Corbin and Steven look alike. They're playing the same character, so I think it's a valid question.

And no, they look nothing alike.


ohinternets March 1 2009, 19:52:54 UTC
I was definitely being flippant, but suggesting they're twins and asking if we agree is pretty creepy to me. It should be noted that there are five other main characters in the ice tour, half of them white, and he's never asked anything like that about any of them, even when they made appearances in the ice show, too.


xayeidemon March 1 2009, 19:59:56 UTC
I'm reading this completely differently from you, then. He put "twins" in quotes, which suggested to me that he was being sarcastic about it, especially since they're supposed to be playing the same character. And I didn't read any proddings for agreement, either. He asked if we thought they looked alike.

It should be noted that there are five other main characters in the ice tour, half of them white, and he's never asked anything like that about any of them, even when they made appearances in the ice show, too.

Now, that's DEFINITELY a reason to give the side-eye.


ohinternets March 1 2009, 20:01:57 UTC
It wasn't sarcastic, I think he's just unfamiliar with the word "counterpart."

It read like "Twins, don't you agree? y/n?" to me. I could be wrong, but I think it read like that to a lot of other people, so at best it was really unfortunate phrasing.


dragovianknight March 1 2009, 19:54:35 UTC
They don't look alike at all, wtf?


(The comment has been removed)

ohinternets March 1 2009, 19:58:29 UTC
oh, that's a relief to know. it's just so creepy to me, because he's never posed that question with any other cast member, and it's generally acknowledged within the fandom (in which he actively participates) that the ice show people are like an AU where everyone is 5 inches taller, looks nothing like their counterpart, and is over 25.


oh, the comments are still loaded with fail. jsl32 March 2 2009, 00:22:21 UTC
such as the darker-skinned guy with the more african features being 'ugly' and 'looking like a rapist'.


ohinternets March 2 2009, 00:56:56 UTC

I gotta admit, Steve isn't my flava (i'm blaming the overplucked eyebrows) but heinous and rape-mongering, he is most certainly not.


delux_vivens March 1 2009, 20:11:05 UTC
after seeing how many decided this

... )


abydosangel March 1 2009, 20:20:26 UTC

....what was the question again?


angiepen March 1 2009, 21:06:44 UTC
Wait, what?? [blinkblink] I think I missed that bit, which is probably just as well. I mean, they're both hot but beyond that...? :/



dragovianknight March 1 2009, 21:48:30 UTC
Maybe they were blinded by the hotness.


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