009. Angels May fall

Mar 29, 2011 01:13

My entry for Challenge 31: "Why Watch" @ scifiverse. It ended up not working because it's not sci-fi enough. I'm keeping it up here anyway.

To convince you, I picked one episode. It should have been the most obvious but the finale was also so amazing, I had a hard time knowing what I wanted to offer. So I went with the flawless pilot.

Now for the meta part. I know my colouring is nnot the best, but look at those people. This is a show about a freak show, during the 1930's and the Great Depression in USA, and it's mindblowing. The pilot introduces you to every character that matters, like Brother Justin (youshould recognize him as he's a priest), and his red-headed sister Iris. Are they evil are they good?
Most importantly, you meet Ben, (Nick Stahl), Sofie (Clea Duvall) and all the carnies. They're all freaks. There's a real bearded woman. She's the "wife" of the blind man who sees through his third eye. Samson is the only one who can hear the order of the carnivale's manager (a guy hidden behind curtains in a trailer). There's Sofie, my beloved. She's not that special actually. Her mother was raped and got catatonic from the experience. She gave birth (god know how) to Sofie, and she can telepathically communicate with her daughter. Sofie is the only one who can hear her, and it's not pretty. They have a number, with Sofie drawing cards for the customers, and her mom doing the reading, except that it's not plain tarot. Sofie's mom see everything, and she tells her daughter so, and then Sofie has to mellow all the info down, to make sure they still get paid. But she hears it all.
Ben is a special brand of guy. He's a cajun healer of some sort. He can heal people by stealing life from Earth to inject it in who needs it. He's also wanted for various crimes by the police at the beginning of the show, so he runs away and joins this carnivale.
This show is amazing with how perfect it is visually and how deep it is. I've introduced you to those freaks. Guess what? they're as human, if not more as us. Sofie is harassed by a manipulative mother everytime she tries to fly on her own. Ben is lost, as most kids his age (21?) are. He never knew hid dad. He buries his mother in the first episode.
I guess this is all over the place, but just watch it. The characters are amazing, the plotlines also, because they're so humane when dealing with freaky subjects. I'm not gonna lie, this show was cancelled after its second season, and it's a pity because the creators had always intended to do 3 seasons, to solve their plotline. As a result, the cliffhanger from the season 2 finale is mindblowing, but trust me, you will never regret taking that journey. You will love it. Not to mention the filmography is perfect.
So please, watch it, and get back at me. You won't regret it.

*Caps from magich0urs, colouring by me.
*Please don't repost anywhere.
*Comments are love.

*ashspark, type: tv shows, tv: carnivàle

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