#019; best of 2010

Dec 30, 2010 05:27

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feel free to skip the ramble & just look at the pretty, I can't shut up and I can't express myself either so it's mostly crap

TV; uk tv took over my life!! not gonna complain tho :3 the shows are classed in chronological order:


I could have picspammed those shows too but basically I got lazy ran out of time. There are a few other shows that I should have added but those are the ones that I first thought of.
(1) it took me a while to get into it but season 2 was really great and funny and sweet and the characters are just completely crazy and amazing :)
(2) HILARIOUS! I honestly just watched the eps back to back because it was just so good. It has so many memorable quotes and it's just universally known that Tina Fey is FUCKING AWESOME
(3) lol not gonna lie, at first I only wanted to watch for Andrew Lee-Potts because well, dinosaurs.... not that it's not my thing but I needed to be convinced. But it was so adorable!! I got so attached to the cast and the ship :3 and they did great with the dinos lol
(4) I got attached so quickly to the crew for this show!! I just loved the general atmosphere they gave to the show. and the movie, oh boy ;___; cried so hard, but it was beautiful and it helped me get over my 'meh' attitude towards Summer Glau
(5) that show is completely mental. In the very good british way. I've only seen the first season though I love it already. It has everything I love and it's just so. geeky♥
(6) I fell in love so hard with this show! It's hilarious!! First season was a bit too much and I was afraid I wouldn't like it but since the seasons are so short, I marathoned it and it was awesome! I love the lead trio and I just love their dynamic.
(7) I don't remember how I got into this show, I know I had the pilot downloaded for a while but I fell in love instantly! It's just so adorable and I have a soft spot for anything focusing on family, especially when there are so much stories and loving characters. I just love all the characters and it's such a sweet and lovely show
(8) how could I not love this show. It's so well written and witty and lovely and the cast!!

I'm so glad I got into this show, it's GORGEOUS! Beyond the fact that the cast is just basically hot as hell, the landscapes, the stories, it's just so. pretty. and lovely and epic! also, yeah, of course I watched cause LOOK AT BRIDGET REGAN SERIOUSLY HOW GORGEOUS IS SHE!? her & Craig have such amazing chemistry *sigh* their love story is amazing and I'm so glad they manage to give us such an amazing and satisfying finale :')
favourite character(s): Kahlan Amnell
favourite pairing: Kahlan/Richard

Oh my first reaaal space-y/sci-fi tv show I think :') sadly, I watched so many episodes back to back, my bsg timeline is all blurry lol I got so attached to most of the characters, hated some with a passion but it's so full and complicated and hello I suck at writing my feelings but I loved every minutes of it. And can we just talk about the Agathons? I got so obsessed with Helo & Athena, it was ridiculous but they were just so fantastic! I loved Helo instantly and his relationships with the rest of the characters, especially with his bff Kara :3
favourite character(s): Karl 'Helo' Agathon, Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace
favourite pairing: Helo/Athena

I don't think I can put into words my love for this show. I wanted to catch up when season 5 aired but A VERY WISE & NERDY BRAIN TWIN convinced me to start from the beginning and I AM SO GRATEFUL. It took me some time to get into it even though I really wanted to finish it~ but The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances were the eps when I started to love the show really really. I can't even remember why I didn't get into it right away, I know I enjoyed it, but it just became the new love of my life after those eps. I have soooo many things to say because there is so much to say about how BRILLIANT this show is but I'll just be simple and say that it is my favourite show as of now and I'm so glad I got into it ♥ :3 I love all incarnations of the doctor because they are always so good in picking the right actors to play the best character ever written in tv history. And the companions, I just.... SO MUCH LOVE (mostly). It's nerdy and british and lovely and sad & fantastic and HOW CAN I NOT LOVE IT, TELL ME?!
favourite character(s): The Doctor, Rose Tyler, Donna Noble, Rory Williams

It took my actually a while to get into this show. I started in february & thought it might just not be my kind of show. I tried again because a friend loved it & I trusted her since she made us all watch LotS lol so we marathoned it and I actually loved it the second time around. It's just so brilliantly written and acted. I got attached to the cast/characters very quickly and I just keep on loving them with the new season. The cast is adorable and the story is original and it could very well turn ridiculous but it just never cross that line (lol well, at least it's done on purpose when they do), it's funny and heartbreaking and awesome.
favourite character(s): Simon Bellamy, Kelly Bailey, Nathan Young
favourite pairing: Simon/Alisha, Nathan/Kelly (MAKE. IT. HAPPEN. FFS.)

WHEN I'M TELLING YOU UK TV HAS TAKEN OVER MY LIFE. I mean, Moffat and Gatiss, that was like an invitation to flail but just add Martin Freeman on top of that and you got yourself a very eager me ready to love the hell out of your show. It is just SO WELL EXECUTED. The rythm, the acting, the editing, the directing, gaaah it's just so good! Not even mentionning the adaptation in a modern world idea which was brilliant. I could say so many things but it'd turn into fangirly gibberish because that's what this show does to me. I'm just so glad they manage to get us a second season.
favourite character(s): Sherlock Holmes, John Watson
favourite pairing: Sherlock/Watson (lol duh)

I loved this show instantly. It's just so crazy and cute!! Natalie Morales is a bamf and MATT KEESLAR DRINKING MILK AND KICKING ASS, I MEAN REALLY what's not to love! I almost marathoned it then remembered there was a limited number of episodes so I slowed down I didn't watch the last eps until the end of the summer. I thought it was a bit like an american, different kind of Doctor Who (that makes sense, sort of, in my head) and that's why I loved it. The crazy stories about alien fishes, vampire puppets, doomed tuba, it was surprising and original AND WTF ABC.
favourite character(s): The Middleman, Mr Noser
favourite pairing: The Middleman/Lacey, Wendy/Tyler (I'm just so original aren't I)

WHAT A BAMF SHOW. With one of the most heartbreaking, feelings-everywhere, tears-all-over-your face kind of serie finale EVER. I had never watch any Terminator movie and I kinda got forced to watch this show because a friend would not shut up about it (lol ILU YK :3) but it was really worth it because IT'S SO BADASS. And PRETTY PEOPLE YESYES! I had seen Lena Headey in Imagine Me & You just before and I loved her even more after this show. BEST MOM EVER or what. Also, more Summer Glau! That's the show that totally changed my ideas of her because I used to not like her that much AND THEN BAM bamf Cameron kicking everyone's ass and being all roboty/flirty with Thomas Dekker and I'm just a puddle of goo on the floor drawings hearts everywhere. They have such an awesome chemistry teehee bunch of cuties. And yes, I know, I have eyes only for the girls but I have a soft spot for bamf warrior women (i.e Olivia from Fringe, Rose from Doctor Who, the list goes on). But lol what else can I say behind THOMAS DEKKER. YUM. AND UNF.
favourite character(s): Sarah Connor, Cameron Philips, John Connor, Kacy Corbin (what yes she's awesome)
favourite pairing: Cameron/John

Of course I loved this show. I mean, beyond the BILLIE HALF-NAKED ALL THE TIME factor, which is very important obviously, THE ROMANCE you guys. I just get attached SO EASILY to ships, it's sad. But of course, I was rooting so hard for Hannah & Ben to get together, I just finished the three seasons in a few days :x and anyway, the friendships are so adorable! And it manages to be really funny, and it's british and IT'S BILLIE. AND ALSO, IT'S VERY PRETTY OK.
favourite character(s): Bambi, Hannah, Ben
favourite pairing: Hannah/Ben, Bambi/Byron

Siiiigh. It's David Tennant. With kids. I just... I had to watch it. I told you I had a soft spot when it comes to big families and further more when it's british and involves David Tennant. The kids were so adorable and the story was really sad. And now I WANT LOTS OF LITTLE BRITISH KIDS. I can't believe it had only 4 episodes aaa it was so sweet! David and the kids and really, THE KIDS /ok
favourite character(s): Dave Tiler, Paul, Robin
favourite pairing: Dave/Sarah

So that's when my brain starts to remember it's almost 3am and I'm starting to enter fail-mode. Technically, I started this show in July. Then stopped and picked up season 2 in October and then stopped because I thought it was boring :x but then I finally got around to watch the rest of season 2 and I thought it was actually better than the first and then they actually started to put the actual legend-y stuff in motion, IT GOT REALLY GOOD. And yes, I know, this picpsam is basically just the last episode of season 3 :x BUT IT WAS JUST SO GOOD!!! It was such a good two parter and and so epic and bamf-y and just overall stunning and surprising. I was boucing and clapping when they got around the round table and just at the overall awesomeness of the team! And Gwaine aaaaa he's adorable! and Elyan and Sir Leon heeeee!!! Morgana was such a bamf, I just felt like she was used by Morgause more than a it was real~ evil sisters kinda relationship but idc cause she looked gorgeous on that throne. AND The Lady of the Lake, and Excalibur, it's all thereee!!! It was just one of the best episode and I loved it so YES I PICSPAMMED ONLY THAT BUT DEALWITHIT.GIF
(also someone stop me from blending this looks awful....)
favourite character(s): Merlin, Arthur Pendragon, Sir Leon, Gwaine

I just recently watched this show~ and it was really great!!! I got really into it and it was so visually stunning and epic. I was surprised to see Alison Pill in it because I love her (WE ARE SEX BOB-OMB~) and she was such a fierce awesome princess :o I love how the characters were not about who's good and who is evil. Also, the atmosphere was great and THE ROMANCE. I mean, lol it's me, OF COURSE I'M A SUCKER FOR LOVE STORIES like Jack & Aliena's and even though I had a hard time not eyerolling at Hayley at first (she always plays the bitch in period dramas, I've learned to hate her ok) she's a really talented actress and her and Eddie had a great chemistry :3 Also, Troll!Lady from Merlin turning into a incestuous evil bitch and Doctor Who!Vincent as King was just the cherry on top lol
favourite character(s): Maud, Jack Jackson
favourite pairing: Jack/Aliena

Technically that's not a tv show per say but I could not not include it since I'm just awfully obsessed with it. BEST THING EVER. I've only watched the series hosted by Simon Amstell (aka series 19 to 23 plus the current series). It's just HILARIOUS. I just, I can't describe it, it's perfect and crazy and HILARIOUS. I'm always litterally laughing my ass off at each episode and just don't get me started on it, cause my brain turns into a buzzcocks archive and I'll just keep on telling anecdotes and moments from the show for the next hour. It has taken over my brain, seriously. I just love it so muuuuch *clings* everyone should watch this! Yes, Simon Amstell takes the piss out of half of the guests, blahblah, everyone hates him BUT LOOK AT HIM, IN A BUNNY SUIT OMG HE'S JUST SO ADORABLE. And I don't care if he's being an ass, he's hilarious. I saw his one-man show and I just couldn't stop myself from laughing because HE'S JUST SO AWESOME. AND THIS SHOW IS AWESOME. I'M REALLY EXCITED AND CAPSLOCKY WHEN IT COMES TO BUZZCOCKS. JUST WATCH IT. It also has the best hosts/guests like James Corden (Craig from Doctor Who) and Josh Groban who is awesome! and just a lot of people that my geeky and tv-show obsessed self loves :B

MUSIC; These are the albums are really discovered~ and love this year:

you can probably add Ritual by White Lies when it leaks is out and the Glee christmas album :x

MOVIES; I managed to watch a grand total of 155 movies this year, 27 ~only~ being rewatches and here are my favourites for this year in chronological order:

PEOPLE; my crushes this year (not including the obvious Ellen Page & Kristen Stewart):



+ DO NOT re-use/alter/hotlink. I'll be posting things on my own tumblr
+ check here for resources/screencaps
+ enjoy♥

type: tv shows, type: movies, type: year-end lists, .picspammy, *wildpages

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