Wow...I mean, I've been through the chicken thing before but wild raspberry oatmeal mush... mmmm.....
miss you, also met someone from White Rock and felt the need to enlighten them about the humping bunny mural in their home town. Was I lying or did I really see it?
When I was a kid, my parents used to get chickens from the Hutterites and kill them in our garage in the way you just described. I remember watching blood drain out into a bowl, and the occasional chicken get loose and flop about with half a severed head. I wonder if that warped me at all.
Comments 7
miss you, also met someone from White Rock and felt the need to enlighten them about the humping bunny mural in their home town. Was I lying or did I really see it?
this this person not know about the bunnies? how sad.
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