Bury Me In Fire - Big Bang 2010 - Master Post

Jul 23, 2010 20:20


Big Bang 2010 | Bury Me In Fire | Master Post

Fic title: Bury Me In Fire
Author name: deadbeat_nymph
Artist name: getyourguns
Beta name: ostaras_journey
Genre: Wincest
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Word count: approximately 32,000
Spoilers: General spoilers for Season 4. Story begins at the start of Season 4 and goes AU shortly thereafter.
Warnings: Extremely dark and explicit recollections of Hell; post-traumatic stress disorder; memories of a painful childhood; alcohol abuse; smoking; self-mutilation; kink including spanking, a sort of hook-up with a stranger(OC), D/s elements; mentions of bodily functions, including a vomiting scene.

Summary: People are dying mysteriously all over the Northeast and the boys head there to investigate. They plod through the case, Dean distracted by his memories of Hell, nightmares, shame, guilt, fear, a bad stomach and a weird rash, Sam distracted by Dean's torment. Sam wants to help Dean, but Dean just wants to sublimate his desperation through work. As the case flounders, the brothers' relationship begins to mutate. If they can just figure out what's going on, catch the creature and kill it, fix Dean's body and heal his mind, and settle things between them, things might actually be okay. Also, there's comfort food, a perfect small town in Upstate New York, and maybe a surprise or two. Please read warnings carefully.

Link to art: Art Go give love!

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5

wincest, fic, sam/dean, snuggles are required, slash, master post, spanking, bury me in fire, ficness, supernatural, angst, big bang

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