Previously . . .As far as Trina can tell, this Agent Booth person seems to be determined to vent his frustration at being a midlevel government drone by making her drive all the way down to Neptune for a ten-minute interview. Which is really annoying
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He answers quickly enough, and he's even fully dressed. Wearing real clothes, not pajamas. Because - shocker! He went to class that morning! And came home for lunch.
"Hey, Trina," he says, surprised. "What's up? Come on in. Need a hand?"
Except he's really, really sick of grilled cheese now and is mostly working on various kinds of pastas. Some don't even require cooking.
Chad does almost all the cooking.
Also, Logan is now getting a bread machine for Christmas.
Speaking of which, "How're things with Chad?"
"And I've stopped trying to understand it."
At the end of the day, Chad is just a nice person to curl up with.
He pauses for a moment, then asks, "How're you, with this whole FBI thing? Have they been bugging you?"
She feels sorry for anyone he sleeps with.
"Nothing to worry about."
His mindset about Lynn has shifted again, but it hasn't been terribly painful. Of course, that shift's probably not finished yet, either, so the pain could just be...waiting.
"Look, that jackass tries to talk to you again, call a lawyer, okay?"
Logan's an easy target, what with the record and all, and he doesn't always know when to shut the hell up already.
The first time, candor seemed in order. If he hears from Booth again, he has a feeling it will be a different sort of thing. Possibly the sort of thing that would mean he was a suspect, and he's not going to put up with that shit this time around.
"I have no interest in being made a suspect in this by the FBI because some suit is frustrated."
"So, you wanna make me lunch, since you're on your way to becoming a master chef?
"I brought dessert."
Which they've had first.
The sauce, at least, doesn't come out of a jar, so that's something.
They're close to being things that would go with each other, but not quite close enough.
That comes out of a can. Why work hard when Campbells will do it for you?
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