Previously, On Veronica Mars . . .

May 27, 2006 13:41

Aaron Echolls killed Lilly Kane. He clocked her with an ashtray, and left her to die by the pool. That’s the truth, and it’s basically the start of everything. (And if you don’t believe us, you can ask Lilly.) Exactly why he killed Lilly, well, you may think you know, but do you? Aaron is psychotic, and was clearly obsessed with his son’s girlfriend. Want proof? Well, that’s tough. There were tapes, of Aaron with a young blonde girl he called “Lilly” while doing things you shouldn’t be doing with your son’s underage girlfriend. It’s hard to tell from the tapes if she was Lilly or not. There’s another, with a blonde girl who clearly isn’t Lilly, in which Aaron indicates (boasts?) that he’ll be bringing Lilly along to join them next time.

(In case you’re wondering, it wasn’t Lilly. Oh, Aaron came on to her a time a two, and what with Logan and Lilly being on the outs at the time she died, who knows what might have happened the next time he tried it. But it never happened.)

So where are the tapes? The short answer is “gone” and the long answer is “Logan Echolls bought them from a Neptune deputy and wiped them, to preserve the memory of the love of his life.” This turned out to be problematic, because without the tapes, the prosecution’s case melts, as the testimony of critical witnesses Veronica Mars and her father and Logan is shredded by Aaron’s high powered lawyers.

Adding to the confusion is the mysterious disappearance of Lilly’s brother Duncan, who took off at the middle of the season with his kidnapped illegitimate daughter, and hasn’t been seen or heard from since. And then there’s Aaron’s Oscar buried in the Kane back yard, sporting Lilly’s blood and Duncan’s hair (planted by conniving Kendall Casablancas, trophy wife of Logan’s friend Dick’s father and sometimes playmate of Logan). And with an alternate suspect and some reasonable doubt, well, the long and the short of it is that Aaron Echolls, in the grand tradition of OJ Simpson and Michael Jackson, got away with it.

And the sad thing? Aaron’s not a shoe-in for skuzziest Neptune resident. Have you met the mayor? Woody Goodman, owner of Woody’s Burgers and major league baseball team the Neptune Sharks, all around good guy. Except for the part where he used his little league team as an escort service, which has led to unsavory things like blackmail and bus crashes. But you know, it’s hard to convince unrepentant jackass Sheriff Don Lamb to arrest the mayor, even when Keith Mars brings him everything he needs to do so. The mayor has fled the town.

And as for the bus crash, well, surely you’ve heard about that. Mysterious explosion takes causes a busload of Neptune High students (though not the rich kids, of course) to go off a cliff and plunge into the Pacific? It’s not clear just what the motivation behind that was, not yet, but with two of Woody’s victims among the passengers . . . this is Neptune. Nothing happens here by accident.

And even putting that aside, there are scores of little everyday dramas that play themselves out in this little town. There’s Eli “Weevil” Navarro, former PCH bike gang leader, whose final gift to his former followers was to tidy up their problems with rival gang the Fitzpatricks, and then take out the member who betrayed them. (If only those little kids hadn’t seen him from the back of their van . . .) All he wants right now is to graduate from high school and make his grandmother proud. He’s gone so far as to get Cindy “Mac” Mazkenzie and her moody boyfriend Cassidy “Beaver” Casablancas to tutor him in algebra.

Mac and Beaver - or Cassidy, as he would prefer we call him - have been a truly adorable couple for a few months. And he is a teenaged boy. So it’s a bit of a mystery why he isn’t interested in even trying to get to second base. Or his bizarre over-reaction to her when she tried to bring the topic up. But they seem to be somewhat back on track now, and have big plans for graduation night.

And then there’s the epic-worthy love story of Veronica Mars and Logan Echolls. These two have fought and loved their way through years and bloodshed, crisis and conflict, relationships with other people, and more snark than ought to be allowed by law. He finally worked up the nerve to tell her that he was still very much interested in her. Unfortunately, he was drunk at the time, and she panicked. And when she went back, he confessed that the previous evening was rather blurry, and, even more unfortunately, playmate Kendall was hanging about in his hotel room.

None of which explains where Veronica got Chlamydia. Duncan was her first and only, after all. They first hooked up at Shelly Pomroy’s party, both (unknowingly) drugged up, and after he dumped her because he thought he was her half-brother. (Turns out he wasn’t. In case you were wondering.) He panicked and left her to wake up alone and convinced she’d been raped. They had managed to put all that behind them, before he vanished into Mexico with his dead ex-girlfriend’s baby.

Now pretty much all bets are off.

Want to know more? Stick around. Because we, the Veronica Mars muns, are going to try to explain it all to you.
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