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Comments 163

zubeneschamali August 5 2009, 21:44:28 UTC
That was lovely! I adore baseball fic, and this one had some very interesting characters in it. Love that the team stayed mediocre through the year instead of having a miraculous comeback, and love that Jensen's reaction to finding out Jared's contractual obligation concerning him was so subdued and quiet rather than the blowup Jared had expected. In fact, there's a lot about Jensen that we and Jared still don't know...any plans for a follow-up?

And ditto on the GO CUBS!


cdeacon August 6 2009, 19:21:58 UTC
Thanks very much! In terms of a follow-up, I think I need some time away from these characters for now, but I guess it's possible at some point down the line - I'm flattered that you asked. And it's always good to hear from a fellow Cubs fan, since there don't seem to be enough of us in fandom. :D


zubeneschamali August 7 2009, 02:31:57 UTC
Needing an off-season of your own is totally understandable. :) Glad you're open to the idea!


cdeacon August 7 2009, 04:03:07 UTC
Heee, thank you!


madame_d August 5 2009, 23:04:13 UTC
I know nothing about baseball, I care not a fig about baseball, but your Jensen is beyond adorable, all angry and snarly and hiding under piles of comforters and it's just too cute. Jensen's interactions with Jared - and Jared's cheerful tolerance of the abuse (and giving back just as well) ... it's made of squee. Really. :D


cdeacon August 6 2009, 19:22:10 UTC
Aw, thank you so much!


jakekero August 6 2009, 01:25:42 UTC
Really great! I love snarky, grouchy Jensen. He was so cute in his hibernation stage :) Loved Jared's reaction to him - calling him a wildcat! The whole thing was hilarious!
Thank you!


cdeacon August 6 2009, 19:22:44 UTC
No, thank YOU! I'm very glad you enjoyed it.


raputathebuta August 6 2009, 02:31:58 UTC
This was really cute!!!! Very sweet & I love your Jared & Jensen.


cdeacon August 6 2009, 19:22:52 UTC
Thanks very much!


gottalovev August 6 2009, 02:45:12 UTC
As you know, I loved loved loved your fic from the moment I read it. it's so much fun and I totally felled in love with angry!jensen... every time I read it, I love it more. and... well, baseball. how could anyone resist? *♥*

thanks again for everything!


cdeacon August 6 2009, 19:24:04 UTC
No, thank YOU. I'm so glad you enjoyed the story and, of course, your art is a total delight. I'm going to have to upload a few of those icons, pronto.

Yay, we made it!


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