Dec 12th: Silent Night (GW, 6x2)

Dec 27, 2011 00:17

Title: Silent Night
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Pairing: 6x2
Author: ddraigcoch
Disclaimer: Not mine, don't sue! Just trying to spread non-profit christmassy joy, and if you sue me Sant may leave you coal.
Summary: A quiet night

Fairy lights twinkled over the windows and in the tree, a low fire crackled in the hearth and two naked men were curled together on the ratty sofa under a military issued blanket. Smiling stupidly to himself, Duo let his fingertips map the unique geography of his lover’s back absently, the other arm curled possessively around the blonde’s waist. The air was thick with the scent of wood smoke, cloves and sex; it was a heady combination that along with the warmth of the body on top of his tried to tug his eyelids closed. Contented, satiated, he surrendered easily.

advent 2011, 6x2, gw, slashmas

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