Dec 11th: Cold Outside (GW, 6x2)

Dec 27, 2011 00:13

Title: Cold Outside
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Pairing: 6x2
Author: ddraigcoch
Disclaimer: Not mine, don't sue! Just trying to spread non-profit christmassy joy, and if you sue me Sant may leave you coal.
Summary: Zechs persuades Duo that it really is too cold outside.

“You’re sure I can’t tempt you with a night cap?” Zechs tried, the bar’s hectic noise guaranteeing him absolute privacy as he slid a little closer to Duo. A shopper, laden down with gifts and wrapping paper, knocking them together as they shoved past.

“... I really can’t.” But the hesitation was enough, and the blonde danced fingertips up along the ex-pilot’s thigh.

“But it’s so cold outside.”

“Zechs, I - what about -“

“Just look at it out there.” Zechs purred, baritone like warm cinnamon in the shell of Duo’s ear “What kind of person lets a friend walk home in that blizzard without a ... break to warm up?”

There’s a cool thrill running up along Duo’s spine like Zechs’ finger along the inside seam of his jeans.

“Well, maybe... half a cup won’t hurt...”

“And it is up to your knees out there.”

“Yeah...” Duo looked into Zechs’ innocently curious expression and tried not to react to the feathering touch across his swelling groin. “Might even have to dry my clothes off overnight...”

“You catch on fast.”

advent 2011, 6x2, slashmas

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