Dec 10th: What's This? (Original)

Dec 27, 2011 00:09

Title: What's This?
Fandom: Original
Advent: #10
Requested by: reichan28
Author: ddraigcoch
Disclaimer: The character of Laurai is used here with the kind permission of my friend reichan28.
Summary: Scurra comes home to Santa's grotto

“Who the fuck let Christmas throw up in here?”

Laurai paused in his self appointed task and grinned to himself a moment before jumping down off his stool. He hurried over to his lover - and dumped a bag of ornaments in Scurra’s arms, pausing a moment to kiss the surprised expression off his face.

“I did, sexy. Now finish up the tree, your height might aswell be useful.”

Scurra blinked down at him, golden hair pulled back in a loose wavy ponytail sharp cheekbones pinked from the cold outside and just a trace of surprise hanging about the edges of those honey brown eyes and had to restrain himself from thinking of his lover as adoreable. Hired killers and the body guards of gang leaders were not adoreable, not matter how much like a poleaxed six year old they looked.


“Uh-huh?” Scurra’s gaze had wandered from his lover to roam across the apartment. It was a riot of golds, reds, greens and twinkling lights. A little snowman was perpetually mid-wave on their fireplace, and Santa and his reindeer flew across the front window of their front room. There were too many questions to ask at once so he latched onto the first to present itself in the ten foot tall tree passively invading the apartment with the scent of pine. “How the fuck did you get that tree up here?”

“Bribery and flirting.” Laurai admitted, frowing up with concern, “You don’t like it.”

“No. No, I never said that.” Scurra shook his head in wonder, “Its a bit of a shock to the system though. Hell of a change from our old ‘few christmas cards and a small tree’ arrangement, love.”

“Yeah, I know.” The younger man looked away with a light blush he could feel just staining his cheeks, “But we’re having a party, and it was a gift, and I thought ‘what the hell’, and -“

Scurra shut him up the best way he knew how. Reaching out he tugged his lover forward by the front of his shirt and kissed him passionately until he stopped punching his shoulder and started tugging impatiently at the back of the blonde’s shirt, sweet little moans escaping to put a smirk on Scurra’s lips.

“It’s lovely, Laur. I love it -“

“-You’re a lunatic -. “

“-And you wanna know the best bit?”

Laurai wasn’t sure he actually did want to know, but as long as he got to keep his hands underneath the inconvenient shirt and running over hard muscles he could deal with it.

“Go on then.”

Scurra leaned in and nipped the too tempting lower lip, picking his slight lover up easily, the ornaments forgotten by the door.

“There’s finally enough room under the tree for me to see what you look like cumming under fairy lights!”

Thinking about it a moment, Lauruai grinned up at Scurra. Cool arms curled around strong shoulders, fingers tangling in blonde hair to tug back firmly. “Okay,” He husked over Scurra’s pleased growl, “But you’re laying on the floor. I don’t want anything but you in my ass.”

advent 2011, !challenge, slashmas

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