Jukebox Cycle Master Post

Aug 06, 2009 03:24

I'm not sure I need this as yet, but it helps me keep it organised :)

The Meme: Set your MP3 player to random all tracks, and then list the first 10 songs that come up. Write a drabble for each song.

The Cycle: I'm not quite sure what the hell possesed me to start this concept, let alone actually write it. It's simple - there's not enough Zechs love out there, so in the interest of upping the Zechs-love quota in this fandom I'm going to write a series of drabbles based on the potential romantic (or at least physical) relationship between the blonde bombshell and each of the pilots in turn. I will be taking requests for any scenes you'd like to see, and I'll do my very best to include them!

Revolution Jukebox - COMPLETE. Zechs and Duo.
Kinky Jukebox - COMPLETE. Zechs and Trowa.
Unsaid Jukebox - COMPLETE. Zechs and Wufei.
Mirror Jukebox - In Progress. Zechs and Quatre.
01 Jukebox - Not Started. Zechs and Heero.

slash, jukeboxes, songfic, drabbles, gw

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