Advent Calender: Dec 5th

Dec 06, 2002 20:22

Note not to be put on site: No real story, just 20 lovely xmas images of diffrent member of the coven. Some funny, some sad, some just plain typical, and of course the xmas pressie on the twenty fith!! Haven't written that one yet, so if there's a paticular xmas image or pairing you'd like me to do for this, Tell Me at oh and let me know it's about Louis in the header. If Idon't know you, I'm liable to delete it otherwise.

Advent Calender (1/20)
Note: Ho, Ho, Ho, Merry Xmas Louisians! First one's short, but I thought it was funny.

20 days to xmas:

Armand opened his newspaper at sunset, sat down in his faveorite chair, and started looking for the funny pages. On the way he noticed the lonely hearts section, and being Armand the bloody minded dwarf, decided to use it as a take away list. He scanned it quickly, Male teacher seeks young woman for 1+1=2 fun!, Woman seeks man aged 18-20 for friendship and fun, Woman seeks Woman, Man seeks Man.... Then half way through it he stopped, staring, his mouth hanging open and his eyes popping.


And below the Rue Royale address.
Picking up his jaw Armand phoned the Rue Royal with the speed of a teenaged txt addict and the temper of a five hundred year old rebel. Finally a weary voice picked the phone up.
"Hello Armand, Lestat's out on a date right now."
"Uh huh?"
"Have you seen the paper?"
"Have you seen the mess the 'Vamps' leave behind?"
"Tell that brat...."
"We're not talking. He says the colour blue tastes like blueberries. It doesn't though!! It tastes like Rasberries! Honestly! And David doesn't help, nooooooo, he just stands there laughing, LAUGHING Armand, can you belive it? And he says that it doesn't taste like either, it tastes like bubble gum. Of course he's wrong, that's bubbglegum pink! Even Lestat knows that, course then he went off in a huff, and Lestat now belives that the colour red tastes like tomatos. Do you understand that? I surely don't! Like I told Lestat, it tastes like Paprika, not Tomatos! And..."
"You could have chille." Armand commented, and before the dereanged houswife that seemed to have possesed Louis in a bizare parody of what the vampires fondly referd to as the 'Body theif' incident (not so fondly named by Lestat as the Exorcist incident due to the violence and vomiting) could regain her death grip on the converstaion he continued "Tell him I need to talk to him about this."
"OK, tell him the Myopic Tattle Taleing Imp wants to talk to him, no problem. That's if he listenes to me. I'm telling you, i found him the other day with his hand so far up -"
"Bye Louis." and Armand hung up, not wanting to know what or why Lestat had his hand up anything, and certainly not how far.
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