Hi there, I think I had a different username at the time (delirium1313), we were LJ friends but you unfriended me and I wasn't ever privvy to why. I'm not calling on you because I'm mad about that or anything! I just was reading back on journal entries from around the birth of my baby, almost 2 years ago now, and there was this one post where I was having a post-natal depression type thing, and you were very sweet to me. Every little bit that people give is a help. I thank you again :)
I am duck. This is my other identity. I am terribly sorry I ever deleted you, that is not my nature. I only do it when people have not been around for a long time. Now, why am I duck and goat. two parts of the same thing. When I wrote silly duck stories, young people read them. I had to be careful not to say anything anyone under 18 should read. Goat is my extreme site. I love stories about flying saucers, bigfoot and sex. That is simply what I am. I like people and life and silly things. I added you. If you like a goat, please add me too. I will in time get back to duck stories, but I am not just a duck.
Hi duck and goat :) I've been away on vacation, that may have confuzzled you if you had added me. I generally don't take more than a week or two off at a time, but we had a very pleasant time in Michigan on the shore.
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good -guy
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