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Comments 3

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saavikam77 May 21 2008, 16:17:20 UTC
You and me, both! :p But hey, that's the reason I set no deadlines on the challenge. Who knows when you'll need to step back for a while?


vespertila May 21 2008, 18:15:26 UTC
Er, Saavi, do you mind to refresh my rotten memory?
I wrote (and still have to translate) something for the Spring Challenge, but it's not based upon the pair I claimed. Is it okay? (If it isn't, do not worry, just go straight ahead and tell me oh Mod, my Mod! ;D)


saavikam77 May 21 2008, 19:08:02 UTC
It's all good, hon. Any character or pairing, claimed or not. ^_^ Just tag with: 'community challenge: spring' and 'fic' when you post. :D


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