Fic: Cold Front (Clark/Dick)

Apr 21, 2008 22:03

Title: Cold Front
Author: aramuin
Claim: Clark/Dick
Characters/Pairing: Clark, Dick
Rating: G
Word Count: 442
Prompt: 02- Tender
Summary: Dick's night off.
Disclaimer: DC owns the boys, I just borrowed them for a bit.
Author's Notes: Thanks as ever to deannawol for the beta and hand-holding. Much love, hon. ♥

Dick Grayson is an acrobat. Over his life, he's been a lot of other things but being an acrobat has always been the constant. The high wire, the trapeze and the jumpline have all become his natural habitat. He doesn't get to play as much as he did when he was working at Bones but Nightwing's new patrol route makes up for the sedentary hours at the Priors.

Dick lives to move, everyone who knows him can tell you that. But when the temperature drops to minus twelve and a late January snowstorm drops six inches of snow for the third night running, Dick figures it's a sign. He takes the night off. The last two nights had been dead in terms of crime and when consulted, Alfred had threatened to come to New York to make sure Dick stayed in.

He couldn't live like this, but Dick is grateful for the occasional night off.

He's curled up on the couch, watching some cheesy old movie when the power flickers. Dick sighs and goes to dig out the emergency box of candles he keeps under the sink. He can't find the plain white candles Alfred insisted he buy but he does find the box of scented candles Louise gave him for Christmas. He gets one lit just before the power goes completely.

At least the fire's set and burning merrily. Dick goes to fetch blankets from his bedroom, planning to nest on the couch for the night. The rain rattles against the windows and Dick glances over his shoulder. "Did you close the window?"

"Closed and locked it." Clark's cape billows about behind him, absurdly grand in Dick's modest apartment. Dick turns to look him up and down. Even here, the uniform is bright and confident but the bashful posture and aw-shucks smile is all Clark. He holds up a bag from Fu Ying and Dick could kiss him.

Instead he hooks one arm around Clark's waist to draw him closer, smiling up at him. He leans in, kissing the bare skin at Clark's throat.

Clark's smile broadens out. "I brought food?"

"Mmhmm." Dick kisses the point of his jaw, savouring the last of the chill. Clark is furnace hot under his suit, the arctic chill already fading. "My hero."

"We should probably eat before it gets cold."

"Mmhmm…" Dick wraps an arm around Clark's neck, standing on tip-toe to kiss him properly. "That would be a shame."

Clark groans, free hand cupping Dick's face as he deepens the kiss. The fire crackles behind them. The takeout is going cold against his leg but Dick is flying far too high to care.

aramuin: clark/dick, fic

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