How's My Driving?

Mar 31, 2011 00:04

Concrit time, guys.

1. Comment on this post with a list of the characters you want feedback on.
2. Comment on other people, (anon is cool) tell them how they're doing!

A few words, though, before we begin...

-- Try to leave comments that you think will help people improve their RPing. You'd like them to do the same, right?
-- Don't be an asshat. Abusive, rude, and flame-y comments will be deleted.

Don't be afraid to be CRITICAL.
-- Be honest. This is a concrit meme, there's a difference between not being mean and just telling people what they want to hear.
-- By posting on this meme, you acknowledge you might get less than positive feedback. Try and accept it gracefully.

I'm going to leave this up, and link it in the sidebars for the main and OOC comms. There is absolutely no reason this should be a one-time event.

To tell me I'm an awful mod, go here instead.
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