Consolidated claims post!

Sep 04, 2013 00:34

Hey everyone! Claims are open until the end of the week, but the original posts were getting hard to look through, so we've pulled all of the unclaimed stories into one post so it's easier to find what you're looking for! Take a look at the great stories that are still left. If you want to claim one (or more!), comment on this post with the number and title of the story you want, as well as how many stories from your list you'd like to claim.

4. Title: One Day You Fell Down From The Sky
Genre: AU, romance, supernatural
Fandom/Universe: New 52 Bat Family and Outlaws with a couple of characters from JLA Dark
Characters/Pairings: Jason/Dick, background Kori/Roy, Tim, Damian, Bruce
Warnings: canon style violence, sex, major character death, demons, mind control, bad language, angst and fluff.
Summary: After the events of Death of the Family, Jason finds that his anger towards Bruce is finally fading for good. But in it's absence something else is happening. Dreams he's knows are important but can't remember, seeing things other people can't and a magical sword he can apparently make appear out of nowhere.

He has to return to Gotham to figure out what's happening and, of course, the family get involved. Dick makes it his personal mission to help Jason which leads to a whole other set of problems as they grow closer.

The story goes AU after Death of the Family and Red Hood and the Outlaws #18, uses lots of Batman Inc #8 and twists a load of canon elements to suit story. The story is mainly set in Gotham and despite all the warnings it does have a happy ending, I promise ;)

5. Title: The Fall
Genre: action, romance, hurt/comfort
Fandom/Universe: Batman, Nightwing
Characters/Pairings: Tim/Dick, Jason/Dick
Warnings: none (canon typical violence, Tim is sixteen, sexual content in form of masturbation)
Summary: In which Tim is love with Dick and hopeful Dick might be feeling something for him in return, until Jason comes back from the dead.
This is a Red Hood AU in a way. Tim centric.
“Jason,” Dick said.
“Robin,” Jason corrected gently, burying his head in Dick’s shoulder. He was bigger than Dick now. Not much, but a bit. Just enough. Behind Jason’s broad back Tim couldn’t see Dick at all. Only Dick’s hands, where he held on to Jason tightly. Jason was a wall and he was dividing them. Jason would not be a danger to Dick, Tim knew, but he wasn’t so sure about himself.

Young Justice
9. Title: And then the nature of us
Genre: romance, gen
Fandom/Universe: Young Justice Cartoon, Earth-16
Characters/Pairings: Koy, TulaGarth, Aquatrio (TulaKaldurGarth), JadeRoy of sorts, building polyamorous OT5 (of sorts)
Warnings: the building of polyamory
Summary: Kaldur and Roy are in an established relationship, and with polyamory a pretty common thing in Atlantis, the two of them are attempting to work on the dynamics of having a more open arrangement -- mainly because of Kaldur's important relationships with Tula and Garth both. Roy hasn't necessarily been trying his hardest as of late to be clear and open with how he feels about the whole thing on this side of trying, but now he is -- with varying effects. Kaldur is trying his best to keep up with Roy and figure out what's happening in his relationships, but he's also multitasking and juggling leading the team and overseeing its new developments -- as well as his mounting royal duty back home in Atlantis. Things are hectic and yet only slowly changing in both Kaldur's homes, and Kaldur's just trying to get through another day and make it all work out somehow. Diverges from Season 2 to the point of AU.

Non-DC Universe crossovers
10. Title: Stolen Hope
Genre: Romance, drama, family, adventure, action
Fandom/Universe: Justice League Unlimited/Torchwood/Doctor Who
Characters/Pairings: Bruce/Clark, Connor/Tim, Barbara/Kara, Roy/Dick, Alfred, Ianto Jones, Dinah/Helena/Oliver, Diana/Steve, Wally West, John Stewart/Shayera, Ace the bat-hound, Krypto, J’onn Jones, 9th Doctor, Rose Tyler and Jack Harkness
Warnings:Children kidnapping, talk of slavery of children
Summary: Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent have adjusted to married life and the fact that their son Ianto is aging faster than he should they are still happy. Then their world falls apart when slave traders from another world begin kidnapping children including their son Ianto. Along their investigation they end up meeting the mysterious Doctor and his two companions who seem to know more than they should. Can they save their son and the other children before it is too late?

UPDATE: make your claim here!

2013 dcu_bang, claims post

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