As cozy as it had been camping out in his old CMO quarters with Jim, they were both looking forward to moving back to Jim's rooms. The added bonus of the renovations, the extra room and the larger bathroom and living area were the icing on the cake
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One more month until they were parents. The idea was still hard to believe, but here, in their renovated rooms, the nursery still being worked on but starting to fill with baby furniture and supplies making it all the more real. "Any more thought about where you want to go, for the birth?" Leonard knew that Geoff had been talking to Jim about it, but ultimately, as long as Geoff approved, the decision would be Jim's, where he was most comfortable.
Jim pressed his lips against the corner of Bones' mouth. "I've thought," he admitted, hesitating. He knew Bones would prefer the starbase medical facility, and he'd made a good argument for it. But that nagging, irrational fear in the back of his mind wouldn't go away. It was illogical, he knew that (and could hear Spock's voice telling him so.) He touched their foreheads together and sighed. "I'd prefer Risa. Or the colony, I suppose. You said their facilities were good." Jim licked his lips, then pulled back and met Bones' gaze.
"Of the two, I'd say the colony." Risa's facilities were good, but the Vulcans were better (though he'd never admit this in front of one of them). Jim was looking at him with that look, as if he were worried about Leonard's thoughts. He reached out and cradled the back of Jim's head with his hand. "We can go there, Jim, and they just stay for a few weeks afterward. We'll be comfortable and safe there."
Her attention turned to the door as it opened, and she grinned when she heard Leonard welcome them. "Hi," she replied, one hand still laced with Hikaru's as they stepped inside. "Thanks for inviting us," Paula told Leonard, leaning in for a quick hug.
Sulu only hoped he didn't say anything to piss McCoy off. But it was an easy smile that the doctor gave as he invited them inside. "Yeah, thanks," he added, shaking McCoy's hand. Jim was over in the living area, so Sulu headed that direction. "Hey Captain," he said, reaching for Jim's hand.
"Would you like the tour first, or something to drink?" Jim grinned at them as Bones walked back over, excited to show off the changes to their quarters.
Paula and Hikaru had been able to get past Jim's promotion and remain good friends. Great friends, really, he thought, as the four of them walked through their renovated suite into the nursery. "This room is still a work in progress," Leonard admitted, looking around at the white walls and the furniture all pushed to one side of the room. "We have a couple more things coming, so we thought about waiting until everything was here."
That, and neither man was able to convince the other to go start 'decorating'.
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