You could travel the world, but nothing comes close to the Golden Coast... [Bones, Spock, Jim]

Aug 08, 2010 13:59

The previous day had been long and emotional - a wedding, a party, then getting taken rough against a wall by Jim before collapsing into a deep, coma like sleep. Bones hadn't felt anything change, didn't notice when the ship passed though some temporal disturbanceThe next morning Bones began sliding out of his slumber, reaching out to spoon himself ( Read more... )

i hate space, jim..., i dont even know what to tag this..., spock, planetside adventures, this is my life?

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Comments 241

cso_spock August 8 2010, 19:50:11 UTC
His sleep had been less restive and smooth than usual; his usual sleeping sprawl curled in, and several times he reached out for Nyota, and sometimes she was there and sometimes she wasn't. Maybe it was the chocolate ( ... )


dctr_mccoy August 8 2010, 20:04:59 UTC
Utterly bizarre.

Bones knew it was him, thank fuck Spock had recognized him, called him by name. But now he was on the floor, and Bones was sitting in this bed, in someone else's clothes. And Spock, he was dressed (or half-dressed) in the same strange old clothes he was, crumpled and wrinkled from sleeping in them.

He held out a hand to help Spock up, and that's when he noticed it - Spock's ears were human! "Um, what happened to us?" he asked, a shaking hand reaching to touch the decidedly rounded ear. The sound of his own voice comforted him - at least he still sounded like himself. "Are you okay?"

Something was wrong, very, very wrong... "Jim?" he called out, wondering where the hell Jim was.


cso_spock August 8 2010, 20:16:52 UTC
His grip was weak. He felt weak, pulling himself up to stand, hand tight over Leonard's. But he still couldn't feel any thoughts, no pleasant hum of a bond though the bond itself was mostly okay. But something was missing, felt missing.

Spock looked around, and swallowed once. His throat felt dry. "This room does not appear large enough for three people." He strained his eyes, thinking everything was blurry simply because it was morning, but... "Leonard, I cannot see properly. Neither is my heart beating where it should be, though I can feel something with similar properties." He raised his other hand to touch his hair, his ears, "Someone has cut my hair."


dctr_mccoy August 8 2010, 20:41:26 UTC
"Where the fuck is this room," he asked, letting go of Spock long enough to check out the rest of the room, calling out for Jim again. Why would they be apart? Who had taken him and Spock, and why?

Spock - someone had given him a haircut, so very short. He looked closely at Spock's face, into his eyes, they looked the same, but he couldn't tell more, not without his medical kit, no where to be found. Taking one of Spock's hands, he lifted it carefully to Spock's ear. "A lot more than your hair's different."

And where the fuck where they? Striding over to the curtain, Bones winced as bright light flooded the room when he opened the curtains. Then his heart stopped, maybe the same way Spock's heart had stopped, as he looked out the window to the bustling street below.

... )


kirktastic August 8 2010, 20:37:33 UTC
Jim was woken up by music. Not music exactly but a sort of weird, mechanical sounding music.

Whatever makes you happy
Whatever you want
You're so fucking special
I wish I was special

But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here

His face twisted in his half-sleep as he was pulled out of a deeper sleep, and he tried to turn over and ignore it. Weird dream...

But when his arm stole out, there was nothing in bed. That was what made Jim sit up in bed, blearily staring at the wall across from him. Kay, something was real, real weird. First off, why was it so light in here? ...In fact, why was he looking at sunlight?

He looked down at the bed, and realized two things at the same time: 1) not his bed. 2) no Bones.

Something in his chest gave a solid beat then died. No. No. He wasn't unfamiliar with waking up in a place he didn't know, but that was the past. He'd promised Bones, and minus a single night and weird shit going down, he had kept that promise - no sleeping with anyone else ( ... )


Convention! dctr_mccoy August 9 2010, 01:52:13 UTC
The good news was that Jake liked to talk, and apparently was a fan of a something called Xena, enough that the entire time they walked down the hall the kid was quoting lines at Bones. He assumed he was supposed to know, so he nodded and smiled when it felt like the kid paused for some approval. But inside all he could do was kick himself, and Spock, that he hadn't gotten to find out about Jim. He was here, somewhere, at least in this time. That was a good thing too, he thought, heading down a very rickety box-like elevator.

Then the elevator doors opened, and he was hustled out of the lobby and out the front door.

He was going to that huge building across the street from the hotel, the one he saw from the hotel room. They crossed the highway at the corner, Bones coughing, his nose immediately irritated at the smell of the combustion engines everywhere. And it was hot, fucking hot, like he remembered from back home, but there wasn't any time to sit and feel the sun on him because Jake was hustling him fast into that building.


Re: Convention! cso_spock August 9 2010, 03:42:10 UTC
Britney kept talking about something called Heroes, asked about ‘Angels in America’ (“I’m not at liberty to say,” he deflected), and then touched on his role as Spock (“I…suppose it is quite notable.”).

What kind of activities was this Mister Quinto involved in? He vaguely remembered his previous dream, and Quinto hadn’t seemed so strange before.

Spock was vaguely aware that he was being hurried along from one end of the convention center to the other, but as he passed one of the doors, he stopped short, examining the people listed on the panel inside. Karl Urban.

“Mr. Quinto-”

“I desire to view this panel.” Spock said sharply.


Re: Convention! dctr_mccoy August 9 2010, 03:51:18 UTC
All of a sudden there were people EVERYWHERE, people dressed up, in costumes, looking like aliens and animated characters and machine-looking creatures, and part of him wanted to go find out what the fuck these people' problems were, grown men and women dressed up like kids on Halloween, but he was being scooted along quickly across the concourse, to a door, and down a back hallway that led to one of the conference rooms.

Bones was lost, fuck it all, and at this point he wasn't sure he'd be able to find his hotel room again even if he could manage to shake Jake, who had a much stronger grip than Bones would have guessed.

"Good luck, sir," Bones heard the young man say, then opened a door for him. Bones felt himself being pushed through it, and all of a sudden a voice over loud speakers filled his ears. "We can't say yet who the villain is going to be because we haven't' fully decided yet." The man speaking looked at another man sitting over next to him and laughed - Bones would have bet that whatever they were talking about, they ( ... )


Re: Convention! cso_spock August 9 2010, 04:08:37 UTC
“But your panel, sir, we’ve got three minutes and it’s all the way at the end-”

He ignored Britney. He stepped forward quickly, out of her reach, and pulled on the door (unlocked), and slipped in. The room was dark save for the stage, and there was Leonard with some other people he didn’t recognize. Unfortunately, the light in from the hallway illuminated him, and the people near the back of the room, who then turned to see who it was.

Along with everybody else in the room.

The shrieks were immediate, piercing and loud and almost making him wince (though Quinto was sufficiently deaf for this situation), along with nearby yells of “oh my god!” and “it’s Zachary Quinto!” and “why is he here?” and extended yells of “SPOOOOOCK!” that reminded him too much of another, equally crazed man.

Then he felt a hot spotlight pick him out from the crowd, and the moderator saying something along the lines of, “Well, ladies and gentleman, say hello to Zachary Quinto.”


kirktastic August 9 2010, 04:11:03 UTC
He moved through traffic as quickly as he could, trying to keep in mind what Chris had said about speed limits, but a part of him was panicking. What the hell, universe? Can you give me just a few days between each disaster so I can be with Bones without worrying? I don't think that's too much to ask.

He was completely lost in thought, and not looking at the speedometer, noting for the first time in a long time there was no constant ache in his left hand. Ever since it had been smashed, then tattooed over, the bones just wouldn't forgive him...

When there was suddenly a noise behind him, and he looked up to the mirror. Flashing lights? ...Even in the future, somethings didn't change. Despite the urge that was deep in him to run like hell, Jim slowly pulled over.

Chris? I am so sorry...


anon_crewperson August 9 2010, 04:13:06 UTC
The California highway patrol officer stepped off his cycle and ambled over to the car. "License and registration?" he asked, eyes looking all over the interior of the car.


kirktastic August 9 2010, 04:16:25 UTC
...registration? Shit. License, he could do. He pulled out Pine's wallet, moving slow. "Here, officer." Giving over the license.

What the hell did he mean by registration? Jim had no idea how cars got registered in these days. He looked around the car while the officer had the license, and something urged him to lean over and pull over a little lever. A compartment opened and he pulled out the mess of papers. Which one was it... ah!

He offered over the labeled one with a breath of relief.


anon_crewperson August 9 2010, 04:20:22 UTC
The officer took the proferred documents, looking over them with a practiced eye. "You know how fast you were going, son?" he asked, eyes moving from the license back to Pine's face.


cso_spock August 11 2010, 00:18:03 UTC
"If I recall correctly," Spock said as he took out his wallet, remembering walking down the hallway just this morning before that woman caught him, "he arrived with Jim. I do not reciprocate its apparent affection."

They came to the room 735, and he tried the card--it worked. The room was a mirror of Leonard's, with the bathroom and the bed against the other wall, but everything else about the decor was virtually the same. The bed was neat and made, save for a few wrinkles, a plastic bag of toiletries lay on the bathroom counter, and a suitcase was lying on the floor next to the dresser with its lid popped open.

He saw the new, clean clothes in the suit case and he was very tempted to change -- these wrinkles were awful -- but every top he could see had stripes.


kirktastic August 11 2010, 00:41:09 UTC
Jim looked around the room once, then laughed at Spock's words. "You just aren't a dog person, Spock. Don't worry, Bones' take care of the mutt for you." He sat down on the bed looking around. Everything was neat, clean... it reminded him of a ride he had taken with Bones a long time ago.


dctr_mccoy August 11 2010, 01:07:47 UTC
Bones sat down on the bed, patting at it until the dog jumped on next to him. One hand on the dog's neck, rubbing, he got to see the changes in both men. Jim's hair... it was longer, browner, and fuck, he looked good with that scruff on his face. Spock's change was more striking, looking healthy and pink, like a normal human, but the ears - Bones hadn't realized how different Spock looked until he was presented with the human version.

"Okay, you two are the geniuses. Tell me what the plan is." Between the two of them, they could come up with something, right?


cso_spock August 11 2010, 01:34:20 UTC
Spock dug through the suitcase, trying to find something that wasn't striped nor fluorescent blue. He had almost lost hope until he finally found a nice, clean, plain, non-striped white shirt, and a pair of dark blue jeans (and other undergarments).

Skinny jeans, he saw upon closer inspection, but....kaiidth.

"I plan to take a shower, first," He said, standing. "I believe Mister Quinto slept in these clothes, and they have outlived their comfort."


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